Dracaena Red Star: A Distinctive Addition to Your Garden

Looking for something unique to enhance your garden or home? Look no further than the Dracaena Red Star.

dracaena red star

This captivating plant will add a touch of elegance and color to any landscape. Let’s discover more about this fascinating specimen.

About Dracaena Red Star Plants

The dracaena red star (Cordyline australis ‘Red Star’) is a striking plant that brings an unusual flair to your garden.

Its vibrant, burgundy-red leaves, resembling swords, create a stunning visual impact and add texture to your outdoor space.

The best part is that it can thrive whether planted directly in the ground or kept in a spacious container.

As the plant matures, it develops a larger trunk, while delightful white flowers bloom occasionally from the top part of the trunk.

As you grow dracaena red star plants, remember that it can’t stand the cold and may shed their leaves if they get hurt.

But they don’t need much water, so they are ideal for busy plant lovers. 

dracaena red star

It’s native to New Zealand and Australia and has another name: the cabbage tree.

The leaves of the dracaena red star have a range of practical applications, including paper-making, twine production, basket weaving, and even thatching. Talk about versatility!

It’s important to note that Cordyline australis, commonly known as dracaena or palm, is often mistaken for the dracaena red star.

However, the dracaena red star palm is actually a type of cordyline plant.

Dracaena and cordyline are closely related, and they both bear a resemblance to yucca or palm trees.

Growing Dracaena Red Star

dracaena red star

If you live in USDA zones 9 to 11, congratulation! You can celebrate the fact that you totally grow dracaena red star palms outdoors in your garden with ease.

Before you get disappointed, know that some sources also suggest the plant can tolerate zone 8 if winter temperatures do not drop below 35°F (1.6°F) and if provided with some cover.

But if you live in colder regions, it’s advisable to cultivate the plant in a container, which allows easy indoor relocation during the winter months.

While the dracaena red star grows moderately, it reaches substantial sizes when mature, and its trunk can become thick.

Similar to other plants in its family, it cannot withstand consistently cold temperatures.

Thus, it’s crucial to carefully consider its outdoor placement and have a plan for moving the container indoors when winter arrives.

For optimal growth, provide the dracaena red star with a full to part sun environment. Depending on growing conditions, this plant can reach heights of 5 to 10 feet (1.5 to 3 meters).

dracaena red star

Dracaena Red Star Care

Water – Sun – Fertilization – Pruning

To ensure the well-being of your dracaena red star, regular watering is essential throughout the growing season.

Adjust the frequency based on the amount of sunlight it receives. If placed in a sunny spot, water more often compared to when it’s in a partially shaded bed.

Container plants typically require more frequent watering than those in the ground. Water the plant when the soil feels dry to the touch.

  • This dracaena variety thrives in average well-drained soil. Monthly fertilization with a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) is recommended.

While pruning is not necessary, trimming the tallest “heads” can promote lateral growth, resulting in a fuller appearance.

Don’t discard the trimmed portions, as they can easily root and grow into new plants, or be shared with others as gifts.

dracaena red star

Temperature and Humidity

As temperatures approach freezing or frost is expected, bring your dracaena red star indoors.

It adapts well to life as a houseplant during the winter months and adds a touch of elegance near a brightly lit window.

Care for the plant is minimal during this period. Water sparingly, as the plant will likely enter a dormant state.

Consider providing humidity for your indoor plant as the dry heat may affect it. A pebble tray is an easy and cheap way to humidify your plant.

Fill a flat container with water and pebbles and place the plant over it. The water won’t touch the plant, thanks to the pebbles, so it will stay moist but not wet.

dracaena red star

Final Thoughts

With its eye-catching appearance and low-maintenance nature, the dracaena red star plant is a must-have for any garden or home.

Add a touch of uniqueness and visual appeal to your space by introducing this extraordinary plant.