Fiddle Leaf Fig New Leaf Red Spots: 4 Causes and Solutions

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Fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots are among the top health issues this plant might encounter. The crimson spots aren’t aesthetic at all!

fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind these spots and provide you with solutions to help your fiddle leaf fig thrive.

Number 1 Suspect – Edema

The most common cause of those tiny red spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves is a condition called edema.

Edema occurs when the plant’s roots absorb more water than the leaves can handle, resulting in the bursting of the leaves’ cells.

These burst cells appear as blisters or dark bruises on the leaves.

fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots

Mild cases of edema are normal during times of growth when your plant needs extra water to support the development of new leaves.


While it’s true that fiddle leaf fig trees prefer to be dried out between waterings, it’s essential to adjust your watering regimen based on the plant’s growth cycles.

By paying attention to root health and increasing watering during new growth, you can accept mild edema without facing the risk of root rot.

With the right watering routine, the red spots caused by edema will eventually disappear, and new growth will emerge bright green, smooth, and spotless.

However, if the watering issue isn’t addressed, the subsequent growth may suffer, and the leaves could even die prematurely.

To ensure you’re providing the right amount of water, consider using a moisture meter to monitor your plant’s hydration levels.

Second Suspect – Spider Mites

fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots

Sometimes, those red spots on your fiddle leaf fig leaves might not be edema at all.

On closer inspection, you might notice that the spots are moving!

This could indicate the presence of spider mites, common pests that target new growth.

If you spot silky webs alongside the red spots, it’s a clear sign of an infestation.


The good news is that spider mites can be controlled naturally. A strong jet of water can dislodge the bugs and their eggs, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals.

If you think the situation might be severe, here are a set of other ingredients you can wipe (or spray) on the leaves to cure them: neem oil, insecticidal soap, orticultural oils.

In even worse case, consider using systemic insecticides to rescue the plant. It is best to consult professional opinions when you use it.

fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots

Third Suspect – The False Spider Mites

Beware! Not all mites weave webs.

It has been found that a type of mite called false spider mites can also harm the ficus lyrata without leaving any distinctive silk webs.

If you suspect false spider mites, disturb some of the dark spots and observe them with a magnifying glass.

If they move slowly and there’s no webby silk nearby, chances are you’re dealing with false spider mites.


Thankfully, the treatment for false spider mites is the same as that for regular spider mites.

fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots
Spraying Insecticidal Soap

While treated leaves will continue to develop, their growth may be stunted permanently.

However, if you maintain a consistent care routine and monitor your plant regularly, you can ensure its overall health and prevent further infestations.

Potential Suspect – Bacterial or Fungal Infection

Though uncommon, dark red or brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves can signify a bacterial or fungal infection.

However, fiddle leaf figs are generally more prone to pests and watering issues than bacteria or fungi.


If you suspect a bacterial or fungal problem, treatment will depend on the specific type of infection.

It’s advisable to use well-draining soil, maintain a regular watering routine, isolate the plant from potential host plants, and protect it with neem oil.

fiddle leaf fig new leaf red spots

Read more: 11 Different Types of Fig Trees With Pictures: Fascinating Varieties

11 Basics Fiddle Leaf Fig Care You Need to Success

Remember, a little care and attention go a long way in keeping your fiddle leaf fig tree vibrant and beautiful. Happy gardening!