How to Take Care of an Orchid Indoors: Mastering Water, Soil, Light Needs & More

Orchids, enchanting flowers that captivate our hearts, can be a joy to grow indoors! But how to take care of an orchid indoors? From watering and soil to light needs and blooming, there’s a lot to consider.

Fear not, beginners – this guide will walk you through the ins and outs of orchid care. With various types, each with unique needs, mastering the art of orchid care can be an exciting journey. And once you’ve enjoyed their beautiful blooms, what’s next? 

Learn how to repot and care for your orchids after flowering to keep them thriving. So, grab your pots, and let’s dive into the captivating world of orchids!

What is an Orchid? 

An orchid is a diverse and captivating plant family, boasting over 25,000 species! They’re famed for their stunning, intricate blooms and can thrive in various habitats. From tropical jungles to temperate forests, these beauties are truly nature’s gems.

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Types of Orchid

Orchids come in a stunning array of types, but some are easier to grow indoors than others. For beginners, two popular, low-maintenance choices are Phalaenopsis (moth orchids) and Dendrobium orchids. These beauties adapt well to indoor environments, making them perfect for new enthusiasts!

Read more: 17 Different Types of Orchids With Pictures and Names

When it comes to rare orchid types, the fascinating Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii) takes the stage. This leafless wonder relies on its unique root system for photosynthesis.

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Another rarity is the Rothschild’s Slipper Orchid (Paphiopedilum rothschildianum), known for its striking, large blooms and limited natural habitat.

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Discovering the huge world of orchids gives endless mystery and joy, regardless of how experienced an orchid fan you are. So instead of beginning with the more difficult specimens, why not start with the easier-to-grow varieties?

How to Take Care of an Orchid

Caring for orchids, although seemingly daunting, is a manageable task when armed with the right knowledge. Are orchids hard to take care of? Let’s explore the nuances of orchid care and discover how they can thrive indoors.

To start, it’s important to note that orchid species have distinct needs. Therefore, understanding your specific orchid is essential. Regardless of the species, some general pointers will set your orchid on the path to success.

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Phalaenopsis orchid is a popular type of orchid that you can grow indoors.

Watering is a critical factor. Many orchid owners accidentally overwater their plants, leading to root rot. It’s best to let the potting medium dry slightly between waterings.

Lighting is another vital component.

Orchids typically favor bright yet indirect sunlight. Position your orchid close to a window, ensuring it gets ample light but not direct sun, which can damage the leaves. If natural light is scarce, consider using grow lights.

Taking care of orchids? Don’t forget about temperature and humidity! They usually like it between 60 and 80°F (that’s 15-27°C). And keep the humidity around 40-60%. A humidifier or a tray of water near the plant will help maintain ideal conditions.

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In my opinion, the best orchid fertilizer is goat manure fertilizer that helps to make orchid bloom. Photo: Edward Nguyen

Feeding your orchid requires a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every few weeks. Dilute the fertilizer to half-strength to avoid overfeeding, as this may harm the plant.

Furthermore, repotting your orchid every two to three years promotes optimal growth. Choose a slightly larger pot with proper drainage and a suitable orchid potting mix.

Now let’s explore these conditions in some depth. Be with me and learn every nitty-gritty of growing this fascinating plant. 

How Often Should You Water an Orchid?

Orchids are such charming plants, aren’t they? Now, when it comes to watering them, especially indoors, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. How often to water your orchid depends on some key factors. So, let’s dive in and figure it out together!

First off, the type of orchid you’re nurturing plays a significant role in its watering needs.

Some orchids, like the ever-popular Phalaenopsis, might need watering every week or so. On the flip side, the captivating Cattleya can go longer between waterings, perhaps 10-12 days.

The growing medium, too, influences the frequency of watering.

Different materials, like bark or sphagnum moss, have varying rates of water retention. Bark, for example, dries out faster than moss, necessitating more frequent watering.

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I add pine bark and moss to my growing medium for the baby orchids. Photo: Edward Nguyen

Here’s a tip: feel the potting medium with your finger to check for moisture. If it’s damp, hold off on watering. If it’s dry, it’s time to quench your orchid’s thirst.

Your indoor environment also affects your orchid’s hydration needs.

Rooms with low humidity or higher temperatures may cause the potting medium to dry more quickly, demanding more frequent watering.

Be sure to monitor these factors, making adjustments as needed.

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My orchid garden – I always put a stray of water underneath the orchid pots. Photo: Edward Nguyen

But wait, there’s more! The time of year is yet another aspect to consider regarding how to water orchids.

Watering orchids in winter is different from the rest of the year. The cooler temperatures and reduced sunlight can slow your orchid’s growth.

As such, you might need to water it less often during these chilly months. Be cautious not to overwater, as it can lead to root rot and other issues.

To sum it up, the secret to orchid care, indoors and out, is understanding their unique watering needs. Taking into account the specific orchid variety, the potting mix, your home’s atmosphere, and the shifting seasons, you can offer just the right quantity of water for your beautiful plant to thrive.

Keep in mind that understanding your orchids and showering them with affection can work wonders. Pay close attention to your plant, and before you know it, you’ll establish the ideal watering schedule to maintain its well-being and contentment.

Soil For an Orchid

Orchids, those exotic beauties, have their preferences when it comes to soil.

But here’s a surprise: do orchids need soil? Traditional garden soil, that is? The answer is no!

They’re epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants or objects, absorbing water and nutrients through their roots. So, what kind of soil do orchids need?

Orchids need special potting mix, not just normal soil. They need good drainage and air. You can pick from different stuff like bark, moss, coconut husk, or perlite. So, what’s the top choice for orchid soil? Let’s figure it out.

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Soil for an orchid – Growing medium for orchids in my garden. Photo: Edward Nguyen

Bark, often made from fir or pine, is a popular choice. It offers excellent drainage and aeration, mimicking an orchid’s natural environment. However, keep in mind that bark dries out quickly and may require more frequent watering.

Sphagnum moss is another option. It retains moisture better than bark, making it ideal for those who struggle to maintain a consistent watering schedule. Be cautious not to overwater, though, as too much moisture can cause root rot.

Coconut husk chips, a more sustainable option, provide excellent drainage and air circulation. They’re slow to decompose, meaning they can last longer in your orchid’s pot. As for perlite, it’s often mixed with other mediums to improve aeration and drainage.

In the end, the ideal growing medium for orchids hinges on the particular plant and its environment. You may have to try out various substances or mixtures to discover the perfect blend that helps your orchid thrive.

Orchid Light Needs

Light is vital for orchids, but how much sun do these beauties require?

Orchid light needs can vary, but one thing’s for sure: most orchids don’t bask in full sun all day. So, does an orchid need sun? You bet! But it’s more about finding that sweet spot.

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My Dendrobium orchid lights need is indirect light. Photo: Edward Nguyen

Orchids generally prefer bright, indirect light.

Too much direct sunlight can scorch their delicate leaves, while too little can stunt growth and prevent blooming.

To meet their light requirements, place your orchid near a window with filtered light or use sheer curtains to soften the sun’s rays.

Certain orchids, like the Phalaenopsis, flourish in dimmer lighting, which makes them perfect for growing indoors.

However, some varieties, like Cattleya and Dendrobium, yearn for more sunlight to truly blossom. To ensure your orchid is receiving the proper light exposure, watch for cues from its leaves.

Healthy leaves should be a vibrant green. If they appear dark green, it might be time to increase light exposure.

Orchid in Pot – Best Pots for Orchids

Pick the right pot for your orchid—it’s key for its growth! Think about size, what it’s made of, and if water can drain well.

One of the critical elements of an ideal orchid pot is proper drainage.

The pot should have holes to allow excess water to drain out and prevent the roots from sitting in water for too long. A small pot with holes can help regulate moisture levels and prevent root rot.

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My father’s homemade pots for our orchids. Photo: Edward Nguyen, 2023.

When it comes to the material, clay or terra cotta pots are popular choices among orchid growers as they promote good air circulation and allow for proper drainage.

Yet, using plastic pots can work just fine, provided they come with ample drainage openings. 

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Indoor orchid care: My orchid in terra cotta pot. Photo: Edward Nguyen.

It’s also essential to think about the pot’s size when selecting one for your orchids. These plants like feeling cozy in their pots, with their roots nestled closely together. An overly big pot might hold on to moisture, leading to root decay. Conversely, a pot that’s too tiny could hinder your orchid’s development and stop it from flourishing.

How to Repot an Orchid for Beginners

For those just starting with orchids, the idea of repotting might feel intimidating. But, it’s crucial to occasionally repot your orchid to guarantee its ongoing development and well-being.

Swing by our blog post on “How to repot an orchid”  to find a detailed guide and valuable pointers.

Getting Orchids to Bloom

Helping your orchid bloom might feel challenging, but with some loving attention, it’s possible! Check out our blog for a post called “How to make orchid bloom” – it’s got great tips.

You’ll learn the ideal times to feed your orchids and how to make sure they get just the right amount of sun. And hey, keep in mind that orchids are perennials. This means that if you look after them well, they’ll keep showing off their beautiful flowers year after year. Pretty cool, huh?

Orchid Care After Flowering

Caring for your cherished orchids post-bloom is crucial in preserving their vitality and allure. To keep your orchids flourishing, it’s important to be well-versed in the various aspects of post-flowering care. 

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essentials of nurturing your orchids after they’ve bloomed, touching upon topics such as maintaining continuous blooms, the regularity of reblooming, and watering routines once the flowers have wilted.

How to Keep Orchids Blooming

To keep orchids blooming, follow these simple tips:

1. Prune the flower spike:

Once the flowers have fallen off, trim the spike above the first or second node (the small bumps on the stem) using sterilized scissors. This encourages new growth and potentially more blooms.

2. Maintain consistent care:

Continue providing proper light, water, and fertilizer to your orchid. A balanced care routine is crucial for promoting healthy growth and future blooms.

3. Monitor temperature:

Orchids need a slight temperature drop at night to initiate blooming. Ensure your orchid experiences a 10-15°F difference between day and nighttime temperatures.

How Often Do Orchids Rebloom

The frequency of orchid reblooming depends on the type of orchid you have.

Most common orchids, like Phalaenopsis, can rebloom once or twice a year, while others like Cattleyas and Dendrobiums might only bloom once a year.

Some factors that influence reblooming include the orchid’s overall health, light, temperature, and care routine. Ensuring your orchid has the proper care can increase the chances of more frequent reblooming.

Do You Water an Orchid After the Flowers Fall Off

How to Take Care of an Orchid Indoors Phalaenopsis orchid 2
How often do orchids bloom? It depends on the type of orchid you have.

Yes, it’s essential to continue watering your orchid after the flowers fall off. However, the watering schedule may change slightly.

During the post-blooming period, orchids require a bit less water. Be mindful of the plant’s moisture levels and adjust your watering routine accordingly.

Overwatering can be detrimental to orchids, so always ensure the growing medium is almost dry before watering again. Keeping a consistent care routine is vital for your orchid’s health and promoting future blooms.


Where do orchids grow?

Orchids originate from diverse habitats, spanning tropical rainforests, temperate zones, and even arid regions. They’re versatile, adapting to various environments.

Are orchids perennials?

Yes, orchids are perennials! They can stick around and flower for a long time, just as long as they get the love and care they need.

What to plant orchids in?

Plant orchids in a well-draining growing medium, like bark mix or sphagnum moss, allowing air circulation and preventing root rot.

How big do orchids get?

Orchids vary in size; some stay petite, whereas others can grow several feet tall. The species and growing conditions dictate their ultimate size.

When to bring orchids inside?

Bring orchids indoors when temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C) at night, as most varieties can’t tolerate extended periods of cold weather.

Orchid Care for Beginners (Summary)

Caring for orchids may appear intimidating to novices, but with a bit of know-how, it becomes an enjoyable and gratifying experience! Here are a few useful suggestions for nurturing your orchids:

  1. Think about raising your orchids indoors. Just ensure they receive an ample amount of sunlight, warmth, and moisture to thrive.
  2. Water your orchids properly, ensuring the growing medium is almost dry before watering again.
  3. Use a well-draining growing medium like bark mix or sphagnum moss, and fertilize regularly to promote healthy growth.
  4. Maintain the right balance of light and darkness for your orchid, as it’s crucial for blooming.
  5. After flowering, trim the spike, monitor temperature, and continue proper care to promote future blooms.Repot your orchid when necessary, using a container with drainage holes and an appropriate size.

By following these basic care instructions, beginners can successfully grow and enjoy their orchids, and even explore different types of orchids to expand their collection.