20 of the Best Invasive Ground Cover with Purple Flowers

Invasive ground cover with purple flowers takes the horticultural world by storm, casting its enchanting spell upon landscapes. So if you are on the hunt for a vibrant and low-maintenance ground cover with stunning purple flowers, we’ve got the scoop on an irresistible option that will add a pop of color to your garden.

Imagine a carpet of small, perennial purple flowers spreading effortlessly, creating a mesmerizing sight. 

Join us as we dive into the world of invasive ground covers with gorgeous purple blooms. Get ready to discover the perfect purple plants that not only mesmerize but also spread their charm across your garden!

What are Ground Cover Purple Plants

ground cover with purple flowers, purple plants that spread

Ground cover plants with purple flowers are a delightful combination of low-growing plants with mat-forming characteristics that transform our garden landscapes with their colorful presence. 

These enchanting varieties not only create a stunning carpet of foliage but also feature gorgeous purple flowers that will make your landscape truly pop. 

Whether you’re in search of flowering ground covers or small purple flowers that spread gracefully, there’s a wide range of options to choose from. From perennial favorites to some invasive, these ground cover purple plants will elevate the charm and allure of your outdoor space.

Invasive Ground Cover with Purple Flowers

Creeping Liliturf (Liriope Spicata)

Liriope spicata is a plant that looks like grass and grows in nice, tight bunches with thin, strap-like leaves. 

During the end of summer and beginning of fall, Liriope pops up tall spikes of tiny flowers in shades from lavender to white.

Ground cover with purple flowers
One of the most popular Ground Cover Purple Plants is Liriope Spicata. Photo: GettyImages

They stand tall above the leaves, making them quite eye-catching. Once they’re done blooming, small black berries sprout up – adding even more visual appeal to the whole package!

This plant is a champ when it comes to maintenance!

It quickly spreads to create a lush carpet of soft leaves and can handle tricky conditions like sandy or clay soil, full sun or partial shade. The only thing that Liriope needs is a well-draining soil.

It can resist foot traffic, heat, shade, as well as deer & rabbits – making it the ideal option to cover up those difficult landscaping areas. And the best part? You can grow it in USDA zones 4-10.

Globe Candyturf (Iberis Umbellata)

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance and pretty purple plant that spread as ground cover, check out Globe Candyturf (aka Garden Candyturf, or Iberis Umbellata)!

Ground cover purple plants that spread,

This annual ground cover is super easy to grow and perfect for adding some vibrant color to not-so-great soil. It stays compact at 8-12 inches tall but produces loads of small clusters of pink, red, white or purple flowers in late spring and summertime.

To keep your Candyturf in tip-top shape, give it some light trimming after it blooms.

Make sure to give it at least six hours of direct sunlight every day and maintain an ambient temperature between 70°F and 85°F with low to average humidity – these are the conditions under which Candyturf thrives!

Candyturf prefers moist yet well-drained soil that isn’t too rich and has a pH level of 6 to 11 on the alkaline side.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari spp.):

Preferring well-drained soil and full to partial sun, these charming bulbs produce spikes of purple, bell-shaped flowers in early to mid-spring. 

They create a stunning carpet-like effect and can reach heights ranging from 4 to 12 inches, depending on the variety.

Ground cover purple plants that spread,

Ground cover purple plants – Grape Hyacinth and Dalmatian Bellflower

Dalmatian Bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana):

This ground cover features trailing stems with heart-shaped leaves and produces an abundance of vibrant purple bell-shaped flowers from late spring to early summer. 

It thrives in well-drained soil and partial to full sun, grows to a mature height of 6–10 inches, and spreads rapidly, making it an excellent choice for cascading over walls or in rock gardens.

Creeping Bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides):

purple ground cover flowers perennial

Stunning purple ground cover flowers perennial – Creeping Bellflower

Adaptable to various soil types and growing conditions, this ground cover forms spreading clumps with heart-shaped leaves. 

It forms spreading clumps with heart-shaped leaves and tall stalks of bell-shaped, purple flowers that bloom from late spring to mid-summer. It can grow up to 12–24 inches in height and has a strong spreading tendency.

Purple Deadnettle (Lamium purpureum):

Invasive ground cover with purple flowers 1
Flowering ground cover plants – Purple Deadnettle

This shade-loving ground cover displays heart-shaped leaves with purple hues and blooms from late spring to early summer, showcasing clusters of small purple flowers.

 It tolerates various soil types, typically grows up to 6–12 inches in height, and spreads aggressively.

Just a friendly reminder! While these ground covers can add stunning visual appeal to your garden, it’s important to keep their invasiveness in check.

Strike a balance between their beauty and maintaining a harmonious ecosystem for all your plant friends! Read more on how to keep a balance or get rid of your invasive ground cover at the end of this post.

Small Purple Ground Cover Flowers

When it comes to ground cover flowers, these varieties offer a range of enchanting features that make them a wonderful addition to any garden.

Woodland Sage (Salvia nemorosa)

Woodland sage is an awesome perennial plant whose leaves are gray-green with toothed edges, and they have a pleasant aroma.

The flowers that bloom above the foliage are blue-violet in color and quite attractive. You will also see some small red-purple bracts around the blossoms.

Small Purple Ground Cover Flowers,

Woodland sage flowers are a hit with pollinators, especially bees and butterflies. 

But that’s not all! Bats, songbirds, and hummingbirds also love them. So if you’re a plant or bird enthusiast, this news should make you pretty happy!

If you’ve got woodland sage in your garden, you can expect it to bloom from June all the way till fall! 

Once the flowers have had their time in the limelight, just cut back the stems and watch more blooms emerge. With a little encouragement, you might even get multiple blooms from these lovely plants throughout one season!

So if you’re looking to grow woodland sage, make sure it gets a lot of sun! It also prefers soil that’s sandy or gravelly and drains well. Also, aim for slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.

Woodland sage is a pretty cool plant that grows up to 3 feet tall, so it’s perfect for planting in the middle of your garden or along walkways. You can even grow it in rock gardens, butterfly gardens, or any sunny spots around your yard.

Creeping Thyme (Thymus serpyllum):

purple plants that spread, ground cover flowers purple

Creeping Thyme is a popular ground cover renowned for its aromatic foliage and clusters of tiny purple flowers. Its fragrance fills the air, creating a delightful sensory experience.

With its vigorous spreading habit, creeping thyme forms a dense purple carpet, transforming your garden into a fragrant and colorful oasis.

This is ideal for well-drained soil and full sun; it reaches 2-3 inches in height, spreads vigorously, and forms a dense purple carpet.

Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata):

small purple ground cover flowers

Small purple ground cover flowers – The most beautiful type: Creeping Phlox

This ground cover boasts a range of amazing features. It forms a dense carpet of needle-like foliage, creating a lush and vibrant ground cover. 

In early spring, Creeping Phlox bursts into a profusion of tiny purple flowers, adding a breathtaking display of color to your garden. It thrives in well-drained soil and full sun, reaches 4-6 inches in height, and spreads vigorously.

Mazus Reptans (Creeping Mazus)

Small Purple Ground Cover Flowers,
Mazus Reptans is widely used as ornamental ground cover. Photo: James St. John, CC BY 2.0

Mazus reptans is another ground-cover purple plant with incredible qualities. With its small, rounded leaves, it creates a dense and compact carpet of foliage.

In late spring to early summer, delicate purple flowers emerge, enhancing the beauty of your garden with their dainty charm.

Mazus reptans prefers moist, well-drained soil and partial shade, reaches 2-4 inches in height, and spreads moderately.

Creeping Speedwell (Veronica Repens):

purple plants that spread, invasive ground cover

Purple plants that spread: Creeping Speedwell

Creeping Speedwell is a ground cover that captivates with its lance-shaped leaves and clusters of tiny purple flowers.

These lovely flowers bloom from late spring to early summer, creating a stunning visual impact.

The active spreading habit of creeping speedwell allows it to fill in gaps and create a lush purple carpet in your garden.

It thrives in well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade, reaches 2-4 inches in height, and spreads actively.

These small purple ground cover flowers bring a touch of enchantment to your garden while providing reliable coverage. They offer bursts of color, spread beautifully, and create a vibrant atmosphere. Plant them in suitable growing conditions, and enjoy their dazzling display as they transform your landscape!

Purple plants that spread

Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans):

purple plants that spread, invasive ground cover with purple flowers

Known for its attractive purple or burgundy foliage, Bugleweed (Ajuga Reptans) adds a vibrant splash of color to garden borders and rockeries.

It produces spikes of small blue, purple, or pink flowers in spring, attracting bees and butterflies.

Its moderate spreading habit helps create a lush carpet of color, while its height of 4–8 inches provides a low-growing yet impactful presence.

Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida):

Small Purple Ground Cover Flowers
Purple Heart – Vine small purple flowering plant that spreads. Photo by: Wouter Hagens, Public Domain.

With its deep purple foliage, Purple Heart adds a dramatic and captivating element to garden beds and containers.

The attractive leaves create a rich backdrop for other plants. It produces small pink or purple flowers in summer, enhancing its overall beauty.

This trailing plant spreads readily, effortlessly filling in empty spaces, and reaches a mature height of 8–12 inches. It prefers well-drained soil and full sun, making it a versatile choice for various garden designs.

Purple Verbena (Verbena bonariensis):

This perennial favorite showcases slender stems adorned with small clustered purple flowers that bloom from summer to fall. Its upright growth habit adds vertical interest to the garden, creating a dynamic display. 

purple ground cover flowers perennial

Purple ground cover flowers perennial: Purple Verbena

Purple verbena’s attractive flowers not only attract pollinators but also create a sense of movement as they sway in the breeze. 

With a moderate spreading tendency, it can fill gaps in beds and borders, reaching a mature height of 2-4 feet. Also, it thrives in moist, well-drained soil and full sun.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea):

One of the most iconic and beloved plants, Purple Coneflower offers large, daisy-like purple flowers with a distinctive cone-shaped center. 

purple ground cover flowers perennial,

Its blooming period from summer to fall attracts bees, butterflies, and birds to the garden. With a moderate spreading habit, it creates beautiful drifts of color.

Standing at a height of 2-4 feet, it adds a bold and majestic presence to any garden and is ideal for well-drained soil and full sun.

These purple plants that spread bring both beauty and vigor to your garden, filling in spaces and creating a dynamic landscape.

Their vibrant colors, spreading habits, and reliable blooming seasons make them delightful additions to any outdoor space.

Vine ground cover with purple flowers

Periwinkle (Vinca minor)

vine ground cover with purple flowers
Vine ground cover with purple flowers: Periwinkle

Periwinkle (Vinca minor) shiny dark green leaves that stay green all year round. These leaves are ovate and oblong, opposite each other, and range from ½ to 2 inches long. 

Periwinkle flowers come in different shades of purple, blue, or white, depending on the type you choose. 

They start blooming around March or April and guess what? Sometimes they even make a comeback during the fall. Double the flower power!

This plant is a real creeper, staying low to the ground at about 6 inches in height. It spreads out in all directions, sending out these long shoots that root themselves and create new plants. It’s like magic happening right in your garden!

Periwinkle is a tough little vine that thrives in drought-prone areas. It is also great at holding soil in places. 

With its creeping, sprawling habit and its ability to set down roots, it helps prevent erosion caused by rainfall and water. So, if you have slopes or hillsides that need some love, Periwinkle is your hero!

Purple Passionflower (Maypop passion vine, or Passiflora incarnata)

purple ground cover flowers perennial, vine ground cover

Purple vine ground cover flowers perennial: Passiflora incarnata

Did you know that purple passionflowers are one of the fastest climbers out there? They can get pretty wild if left unchecked. These amazing plants primarily grow in the Southeastern US, but they can also be found as far north as Ohio and Pennsylvania, and even out west in Oklahoma and Kansas.

This captivating vine ground cover prefers well-drained soil and full sun. It showcases intricate purple flowers with a unique structure and attractive foliage.

Blooming from summer to fall, it attracts pollinators to your garden. It can reach a mature size of 10–25 feet (8 m) and provide a stunning vertical display.

And their flowers are definitely the stars of the show, with unique and stunning blooms that eventually transform into passion fruit.

Plus, the vine itself has a smooth and green bark. Keep in mind though, depending on where you live, these vines might be woody all year round or only last for a season.

These Maypop passionflowers are like no other! They have these intricately fringed white flowers that are simply gorgeous. On top of that, they’ve got a crown of pale lavender flames that make them all the more fascinating.

After the flowers on the plant bloom, they give way to fruits called maypops. These cute little things appear in the summer, resembling the shape and size of an egg. But don’t be fooled, they’re ready to eat during autumn! Feeling daring? Grab one straight from the plant or turn them into some delicious jam or jelly.

Purple Clematis (Clematis viticella):

vine ground cover with purple flowers, purple ground cover flowers perennial

Thriving in well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade, this vine features large, star-shaped purple flowers. It blooms from summer to early fall, creating a magnificent burst of color.

With its climbing habit, it can reach a mature size of 8–12 feet, adding vertical interest to fences, trellises, or walls.

Purple Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos lablab):

vine ground cover with purple flowers, perennial ground cover,

Preferring well-drained soil and full sun, this fast-growing vine showcases clusters of purple flowers that give way to attractive purple seed pods.

Blooming from mid-summer to fall, Purple Hyacinth Bean adds both visual interest and edible beans to your garden. It can reach a mature size of 6–10 feet, providing ample coverage.

Purple Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans):

vine ground cover with purple flowers, purple ground cover flowers perennial

This vigorous vine ground cover thrives in well-drained soil and full sun. It produces stunning trumpet-shaped purple flowers that attract hummingbirds. 

Blooming from summer to early fall, it adds a touch of exotic beauty to your garden. With its climbing habit, it can reach a mature size of 30–40 feet.

These vine ground covers with purple flowers add a touch of elegance and vertical interest to your garden. Whether you’re seeking climbing vines or trailing options, these varieties offer stunning blooms and vibrant colors.

Creeping Thyme vs Creeping Phlox: Differences

Are you curious about the differences between Creeping thyme and Creeping phlox? These two lovely ground covers may seem similar at first, but they have distinct characteristics. 

Purple invasive ground cover Creeping Thyme
Creeping thyme thymus Vs. Creeping Phlox

Creeping thyme forms a dense, low-growing mat with small, delicate leaves and clusters of tiny flowers in shades of pink, lavender, and white. 

It thrives in well-drained soil, tolerates drought, and prefers full sun, making it suitable for rock gardens. 

On the other hand, creeping phlox has slightly larger leaves and showy clusters of larger flowers in vibrant hues of purple, pink, and white. 

It prefers slightly moist, well-drained soil and benefits from partial shade, making it an excellent choice for borders and cascading over walls. 

By considering these factors, you can choose the ground cover that best suits your garden’s needs and preferences.

Better Options for a Trouble-Free Garden: How To Get Rid of Invasive Ground Cover

If you want to get rid of the headaches caused by invasive ground covers, or if you’re running out of space or find it tough to keep up with pruning and removal, there are a few ground cover plants you should definitely avoid. 

Think of English ivy, Evening Primrose, Bugleweed, Goutweed, and Chameleon plants. These little troublemakers may be an actual pain to cope with, even after years of planting them.

For all you newbie gardeners, it is an excellent idea to attain out in your neighborhood gardener network for a few recommendations. 

They can provide valuable insights on ground covers that are well-suited for your specific area and won’t become invasive pests. 

Alternatively, why not give evergreen ground cover or succulent ground covers a try? They’re fantastic options that require less maintenance.

Plus, they’ll bring year-round greenery and unique textures to your garden.

These little beauties are adaptable to different soil conditions and can handle drought, making them a perfect choice for busy gardeners or anyone seeking a more manageable ground cover solution.


What is the name of the ground cover with purple flowers?

The name of the ground cover with purple flowers depends on the specific plant. Some examples include Purple Wintercreeper, Purple Deadnettle, Grape Hyacinth, Dalmatian Bellflower, and Creeping Bellflower. Each of these plants has its own unique characteristics and stunning purple blooms.

What is the ground cover with purple flowers in the fall?

When it comes to ground cover with purple flowers in the fall, there are a few options to consider.
For example, Purple Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii) is a lovely choice that produces beautiful purple flowers during the autumn season. Another option is Purple Beautyberry (Callicarpa dichotoma), which showcases clusters of purple berries in the fall along with small, inconspicuous flowers.

What ground cover has purple flowers in spring?

Many ground covers boast purple flowers in the spring, adding a delightful touch to the season. Some examples include Purple Deadnettle, Grape Hyacinth, Dalmatian Bellflower, and Creeping Phlox. These plants showcase their vibrant purple blooms during the springtime, creating a burst of color in your garden.

How do you get rid of purple ground cover?

When dealing with unwanted or invasive purple ground cover, it’s important to tackle the issue carefully.
Start by identifying the specific plant causing the problem. Depending on the plant’s growth habit and invasiveness, you may need to employ different methods.

For less aggressive spreaders, regular pruning or manual removal can help keep them in check. In the case of more invasive species, you may need to consider more intensive measures, such as applying herbicides or employing professional assistance.

It’s always a good idea to research the specific plant and seek advice from local gardening resources to determine the most effective and environmentally friendly approach for removing purple ground cover.

Purple Ground Cover Flowers Perennial, Annual & Vine – Recap

In conclusion, the world of ground cover purple plants offers a captivating array of options to enhance your garden with vibrant colors and enchanting beauty. 

From invasive varieties that rapidly spread and create a mesmerizing carpet of purple blooms to small ground cover flowers delicately filling in gaps, these plants elevate the allure of your outdoor space. 

Whether it’s the glossy leaves and small purple flowers of Periwinkle (Vinca minor), the cascading stems and vibrant bell-shaped blooms of Dalmatian Bellflower, or the robust coverage provided by the perennial Woodland sage and Bugleweed, each plant brings its own unique charm. 

Vine ground covers like Purple Passionflower and Purple Clematis add a vertical dimension, while Purple Hyacinth Bean and Purple Trumpet Vine provide visual interest and abundant blooms. 

With careful selection and suitable growing conditions, these invasive ground cover plants with purple flowers work their magic, transforming your garden into a haven of beauty and enchantment.