Why are My Jasmine Leaves Curling? 5 Potential Answers To Consider

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Jasmine leaves curling is not always a serious problem, as some varieties of jasmine have naturally curly leaves. 

jasmine leaves curling

There are various reasons why jasmine leaves may curl. Exposure to extreme environmental conditions, such as drastic heat, inadequate watering, or a lack of sufficient light, can be contributing factors. 

Poor care practices, pest infestations, and nutrient deficiencies can also cause leaf curling. Keep reading to explore all the possibilities in detail.

Jasmine Leaves Curling: 5 Common Reasons

Jasmine leaves curling
Jasmine leaves curling. Photo: Emma Ha, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 23, 2023

Whether you have indoor or outdoor jasmine plants, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing them healthy and flourishing with their characteristic deep green foliage and gorgeously scented flowers. 

However, caring for jasmine plants can be tricky. They require specific temperature, light, soil, and water conditions to thrive. 

Neglecting any of these aspects can compromise the health of your jasmine plant, resulting in curled leaves. 

Lack of Light

Jasmine plants are light lovers. Most jasmine varieties are tropical and subtropical, requiring a fair amount of direct sunlight each day. 

If your jasmine plant doesn’t receive enough light due to excessive shade, it won’t get the temperature and light it needs to function properly and produce its beautiful flowers. 

Wrinkling and curling leaves, along with yellowing, can be indications of this issue. 


To address it, simply move your plant to a location where it can receive 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily without overexposure.

Jasmine leaves curling
Jasmine leaves curling. Photo: Emma Ha, Hanoi, Vietnam, 23 Oct. 2023

Excess of Light

Conversely, an excess of light can also be problematic. Too many hours of intense sunshine can cause excessive evaporation and heat shock, leading to leaf burn, curling, and browning. 


To resolve this issue, move your jasmine plant to a location with a partial shade to light ratio. This will provide the necessary rest and prevent overexposure to light and heat.

jasmine leaves curling

Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies are a common cause of leaf curling in jasmine plants. Let’s explore some of the most common deficiencies and how to treat them.

jasmine leaves curling

Nitrogen Deficiency

Nitrogen is vital for plant growth as it plays a key role in chlorophyll production, the molecule responsible for photosynthesis. 

Curly and wrinkly leaves are signs that your jasmine plant might not be receiving enough nitrogen. 

The plant will divert nitrogen reserves to the newest leaves, causing older leaves at the base of the plant to develop a deficiency. 

During the flowering season, nitrogen will be prioritized for flower production, further contributing to leaf curling. 


To remedy a nitrogen deficiency, use a high-nitrogen soil formula and organic fertilizers made from fish tank waste products. 

Additionally, using a compost and soil mix with amino acid supplements can prevent future nitrogen deficiencies by boosting protein production for foliage growth.

jasmine leaves curling

Phosphorus Deficiency

Phosphorus is essential for metabolism, structure, and reproduction in plants. 

A phosphorus deficiency can cause the leaves at the bottom of a jasmine plant to darken, turn brown, and curl downwards. 

This deficiency can hinder the transition from vegetative growth to flowering. 


To address a phosphorus deficiency, supplement the soil with organic fertilizer containing bone meal, which is rich in easily absorbable phosphorus. 

Maintain a consistent temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 °C to 24 °C) to aid phosphorus uptake.

jasmine leaves curling

Calcium Deficiency

A calcium deficiency can result in slow growth and curled leaves in jasmine plants. Calcium is involved in structural functions and the production of cell walls and membranes. 

Insufficient calcium causes the leaves to become less rigid, leading to curling. Other symptoms of calcium deficiency include brown spots, leaf necrosis, and downward curling of leaves. 

There are three common causes of calcium deficiency: under watering, acidic soil, and low calcium in the soil mix. 


To address this deficiency, water the plant appropriately, test soil pH, and add calcium sources such as chalk or eggshell powder.

jasmine leaves curling

Potassium Deficiency

Potassium is crucial for regulating internal water pressure and controlling leaf pores. 

A potassium deficiency can cause unhealthy foliage, crispy, curly, and yellow leaves, and burnt leaf tips. 


Use an NPK 20-20-20 fertilizer supplemented with molasses during the budding stage to address potassium deficiency. 

Maintain a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0 to ensure potassium availability and soluble calcium for uptake.

jasmine leaves curling

Manganese and Magnesium Deficiency

Manganese and magnesium are both essential for growth and metabolic functions in plants. 

Manganese is involved in the photosynthesis process, while magnesium is a central component of chlorophyll. 

A deficiency in either can impair tissue growth and result in yellow spots and shriveled leaf tips. 


Test the soil pH and address alkaline soil with acidifiers such as alum or vinegar solutions. Use an epsom salt foliar spray to increase soil magnesium content and balance pH.

jasmine leaves curling

Overwatering or Lack of Water

Proper watering is crucial for the well-being and survival of jasmine plants. 

Overwatering can lead to root rot, causing nutrient and water uptake issues and resulting in declining, curling leaves. 

Conversely, a lack of water can also cause leaf curling and weakness. 


Water your jasmine plant appropriately, allowing water to drain from the bottom of the pot. If the plant is overwatered, replant it in dry soil after removing the drenched soil from the root ball. 

Adding fungicide powder to the new soil mix can aid recovery. If the plant is not watered enough, the leaves will become weak, crispy, and curl upwards.

Regular watering until water drains from the pot should resolve this issue.

jasmine leaves curling


Infestations by pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs are a common cause of leaf curling in jasmine plants. 

These insects feed on the sap of the plant, contributing to its decline. 


Neem oil is an effective solution for managing infestations, but severe cases may require cutting off heavily affected leaves. 

Refer to our previous posts for more information on treating aphids and mealybug infestations.

jasmine leaves curling

Chemical Damage from Herbicides

Herbicides used to eradicate weeds can inadvertently harm jasmine plants if not used carefully. Herbicides inhibit cell functions, including photosynthesis, and can cause leaf curling. 


Avoid excessive use of herbicides, especially those containing dicamba and mecoprop, and apply them when the weather is cooler and less windy. 

Alternatively, manually remove weeds to prevent herbicide-related issues.

In Summary

Prevention and proper care are the best approaches to maintaining healthy jasmine plants. 

Understanding how pests, nutrient deficiencies, and extreme environmental conditions can impact the foliage of jasmine plants will empower you to address these issues and extend the lifespan of your beautiful plants.