Mother of Thousands vs Mother of Millions: A Showdown

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If you’re an avid plant enthusiast, you’ve likely encountered the confusion surrounding Mother of Thousands vs Mother of Millions.

mother of thousands vs mother of millions
Left: Mother of Thousands – Right: Mother of Millions

These two succulents are so similar that distinguishing between them can be quite challenging.

However, with a keen eye and the right knowledge, telling them apart becomes a breeze.

Mother of Thousands vs Mother of Millions: #1 Difference

The key difference lies in the shape of their leaves.

Mother of Thousands boasts wider and broader leaves, while Mother of Millions features slender leaves with plantlets growing near the leaf’s end.

Though this overview provides a glimpse into their dissimilarities, let’s delve into the specifics of each plant.

Toxic Properties

mother of thousands vs mother of millions
Mother of Millions

Both Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions are considered toxic to most animals, including birds, cats, dogs, and cows, according to the ASPCA.

Ingesting a small portion of these succulents may cause minor gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea in animals.

However, consuming a larger portion can lead to severe effects, such as heart failure and damage to internal organs.

Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe Daigremontiana)

mother of thousands vs mother of millions

Native to Madagascar, these small succulent-like plants go by several monikers, including the Alligator Plant and the Mexican Hat Plant.

Their unique beauty appeals to many, making them a popular choice for garden decor and potted plants.

Despite their visual appeal, Mother of Thousands can be invasive in some parts of the world.

The plantlets that sprout along the edges of its leaves can easily propagate, causing them to spread uncontrollably.

This invasive nature makes containing them a challenge.

Mother of Millions (Kalanchoe Delagoensis)

mother of thousands vs mother of millions

Mother of Millions closely resembles Mother of Thousands, leading to frequent confusion.

Like most kalanchoe succulents, Mother of Millions is a rapidly growing plant that thrives in intense heat.

Although they bear similarities, there are noticeable distinctions. Mother of Millions boasts narrower leaves with plantlets only growing at the tips.

Moreover, their coloration may range from pinkish and brownish to reddish hues, setting them apart from their green-hued counterparts.

Mother of Thousands vs Mother of Millions: The Traits

mother of thousands vs mother of millions
Mother of Thousands

To recap, Mother of Thousands stands out due to its broad leaves adorned with plantlets along the edges.

These plants excel in outdoor gardens within hot climates, thanks to their remarkable heat tolerance.

Mother of Millions, on the other hand, is a hardy succulent with greater resistance to drought and extreme heat.

Their ability to thrive in scorching conditions makes them a valuable addition to gardens in hot and arid regions across the globe.

Identifying them side by side becomes easier, given the narrower leaves and fewer plantlets of the Mother of Millions.

It’s worth noting the visible similarities between the two plants.

mother of thousands vs mother of millions
Mother of Millions

Both showcase typical succulent characteristics, featuring fleshy leaves with bulbous appearances and plantlets growing along them.

Additionally, their vibrant hues, although subject to variations based on soil conditions and specific breeds, are reminiscent of other succulents.

Being highly tolerant of heat, these plants can survive extended periods without water, as they’ve adapted to thrive in arid and drought-prone environments.

Caring for Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions

Hailing from Madagascar, these succulents share similar care requirements due to their adaptation to dry, hot climates.

As hardy plants, they can endure various surroundings, including those frequently affected by drought or mild frost.

When it comes to watering, these succulents have modest needs and can thrive with minimal water.

mother of thousands vs mother of millions
Mother of Thousands

Generally, watering them once a week or relying on rainfall suffices. Overwatering can be detrimental, causing leaves to turn yellow and fall off.

Conversely, brownish-black and brittle leaves signal the need for more frequent watering.

As they thrive in high-heat environments, both plants require a healthy dose of direct sunlight.

While they can tolerate less light, it’s crucial to ensure they receive an ample amount of sunlight.

Invasiveness of Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions

Due to their prolific spreading capabilities, these succulents are categorized as invasive in many regions worldwide.

If left to their own devices, they can quickly dominate open soil areas and outcompete other plants.

Keeping a watchful eye on their plantlets becomes essential once you introduce them to your garden, as these offspring easily take root wherever they land.

mother of thousands vs mother of millions
Mother of Millions


While Mother of Thousands and Mother of Millions may appear strikingly similar at first glance, distinguishing between them is an achievable task.

Pay attention to the leaves: broader leaves with plantlets along the edges belong to the former, while narrower leaves with plantlets only at the tips indicate the latter.

With this guide, we hope you can confidently select the ideal succulent plant for your garden.

Embrace the unique charm of these remarkable plants from “The Little Garden”!