My Money Tree Leaves Are Turning Brown – You Ask We Answer

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“Help, my money tree leaves are turning brown and falling off! What can I do?”

my money tree leaves are turning brown

Money tree leaves turning brown is just one among the most common problems you may encounter when keeping this kind of plant.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and offer practical solutions to revive your money tree.

Brown Money Tree Leaves

The browning of leaves, regardless of the plant species, always raises alarms.

In the case of the resilient money tree, quick action is necessary to prevent further damage.

Overwatering or underwatering are the usual suspects, but more serious issues may also be at play.

10 Reasons Money Tree Leaves Turning Brown

my money tree leaves are turning brown

Let’s delve into the ten most common causes of money tree leaves turning brown.

1. Overwatering

Saturating the soil for extended periods causes damage to the plant’s roots.

Roots require oxygen to function optimally, and overwatering can lead to waterlogged soil, cutting off the much-needed oxygen supply.

This can eventually result in root rot and other complications.

Signs of overwatering

If your money tree is feeling a bit squishy, looking all sad and the leaves are going yellow, you might be overwatering it.

And if you don’t pump the brakes, those leaves are gonna go brown and crispy – not a good look. Watch out for that root rot!

my money tree leaves are turning brown

How to fix

If you’ve overwatered, let the soil chill and dry out completely. Make sure your pot’s got good drainage so this drama doesn’t repeat.

Think about upgrading your money tree’s digs to a bigger pot with a mix of sandy loam soil and perlite or grit for better drainage.

Pop a saucer underneath to catch extra water, and don’t forget to dump it if you see water just chillin’ there.

2. Dehydration Caused by Underwatering

Money trees have high water requirements and are more susceptible to underwatering than overwatering.

When the soil dries out, essential microorganisms and fungi that support the plant perish.

This can lead to nutrient deficiencies, root decay, and ultimately, the death of the plant.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

Signs of underwatering

Underwatered money trees often wilt, and the leaves exhibit early signs of drooping and curling.

If the soil remains dry, the leaves will turn brown and dry out completely.

Compared to overwatered plants, underwatered ones appear shriveled, dry, and crispy.

How to fix

Follow a consistent watering schedule to maintain the health of your tropical treasure.

Water your money tree once a week, ensuring that the entire soil in the container is soaked and experiences drainage in the saucer.

If signs of underwatering persist despite adhering to a watering schedule, consider adding a humidifier to the room.

For added assurance, you can use a soil moisture meter to ensure optimal moisture levels.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

3. Extreme Temperature Fluctuations

Extreme temperature fluctuations can shock money trees and cause browning of leaves, particularly at the edges.

This is more prevalent when indoor money trees from cooler regions are moved outside during warmer months.

Such fluctuations can even lead to the demise of the plant.

How to fix

To minimize the risk of damage, gradually expose your money tree to outdoor conditions before permanently placing it outside.

Over a span of two weeks, increase the duration the plant spends outdoors each day while still bringing it indoors at night.

Begin in a shaded area and gradually expose it to a few hours of direct sunlight daily.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

4. Excessive Sunlight

Money trees thrive in indirect sunlight as they are understory species.

If exposed to more than six hours of direct sunlight daily, they can suffer from sunburn.

This manifests as large uneven brown spots on the plant’s top.

Prolonged exposure to these conditions can lead to the death of the money tree.

How to fix

Relocate your money tree to a spot that receives indirect sunlight and less than six hours of direct sunlight each day.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

5. Nutrient Deficiencies

Brown leaves on money trees can also indicate a lack of essential nutrients in the soil.

Potassium deficiency results in yellowing and browning of leaf edges and spots, usually starting with older leaves.

Phosphorus deficiency can cause brown spots alongside dark green and purple leaves.

Insufficient iron leads to pale yellow-brown coloration between leaf veins, affecting chlorophyll production and displaying brown patches.

How to fix

For potassium and phosphorus deficiencies, check the soil’s pH range (6-7.5) and amend it if necessary.

Follow with a general liquid fertilizer treatment. For iron deficiencies, apply ferrous sulfate or chelated iron.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

6. Over Fertilizing

Although money trees require fertilization during the growing season, excessive use can cause leaves to turn brown and die.

Use a general fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength on the label.

How to fix

Flush the soil with a considerable amount of water. During the growing season, fertilize only once a month with a diluted dosage.

Limit fertilization to just once during winter dormancy.

7. Transplant Shock

my money tree leaves are turning brown

Moving your money tree to a roomier home every couple of years is like giving it a growth boost.

But here’s the catch – every transplant could freak it out with something called “transplant shock.”

That’s when your plant goes through some serious stress, and you might see it wilting, leaves going all kinds of colors, and growth hitting the pause button.

How to fix

You can’t zap transplant shock away, but you can be its plant therapist.

Shower your money tree with enough water, throw in some fertilizer love, and make sure its living conditions are top-notch.

If you’re planning a transplant party, do it in the spring or early summer to lower the shock risk.

Your money tree will be back in the game in no time.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

8. Pests

Money trees are highly susceptible to pests, making prevention crucial for maintaining plant health.

Ensure you use sterilized potting soil, water and fertilize on schedule, and regularly clean the leaves with water.

Mealy Bugs & Aphids: These sap-sucking insects deplete nutrients from foliage, leaving behind yellow and brown patches. They also secrete a substance that encourages sooty mold growth.

Scales: Small insects that attach to the underside of money tree leaves, causing slow-growing brown spots.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

Spider Mites: Tiny insects that inflict extensive damage in large infestations, leaving small yellowish-brown spots all over the leaves. They eventually cover the entire plant with fine webbing, potentially killing the money tree.

Fungus Gnats: Soil-dwelling fungus gnats feed off the roots of money trees, leading to leaf browning and plant stress.

How to fix: Control and prevent pests using all-natural essential oil sprays containing neem, lemongrass, and lavender. For fungus gnats, add topsoil mixed with diatomaceous earth.

9. Diseases

Money trees are prone to various diseases, including Anthracnose leaf spot and root rot. These diseases can cause leaves to turn brown and fall off.

my money tree leaves are turning brown
Anthracnose Leaf Spot

Anthracnose Leaf Spot: Caused by a fungus, this disease manifests as dark brown spots on the plant’s foliage and stems. Left untreated, it can spread and eventually kill the money tree.

Root Rot Disease: A fungal infection in the soil that attacks the roots and stem base of the money tree. The resulting damage causes significant stress to the plant, leading to browning and death of the leaves.

How to fix: Maintain a healthy plant by ensuring proper air circulation, removing dead foliage, and periodically using essential oil sprays. Adequate soil drainage is critical to prevent root rot issues.

10. Age

As money trees grow, naturally, their leaves will turn brown and fall off.

Removing old leaves helps prevent pests and diseases while keeping your money tree healthy and visually appealing.

Removing Brown Leaves

my money tree leaves are turning brown

Those brown leaves on your money tree are like freeloaders – not doing anything good for the plant.

Give your tree a favor and kick them out (by cutting them off).

But hold up, don’t go all Edward Scissorhands on it.

Snip no more than one-third of the plant’s leaves at a time.

You don’t want to stress out your money tree more than it already is; too much stress could make it a magnet for infections.

So, be a cool plant parent and keep the pruning moderate.

Verdict: Money Tree Leaves Turning Brown

The most likely cause of money tree leaves turning brown is over or underwatering.

Other factors include extreme temperature fluctuations, excessive sunlight, nutrient deficiencies, over-fertilization, transplant shock, pests, diseases, or natural aging.

my money tree leaves are turning brown

FAQ Brown Leaves on Money Tree

Can brown money tree leaves turn green again?

Unfortunately, browned leaves will not regain their green color. Removing them is necessary to prevent pests from infesting your money tree.

What does an overwatered money tree look like?

Seeing both yellow and brown leaves? Your money tree could be getting too much water.

Final Thoughts

Take these proactive measures to ensure the health and vitality of your precious money tree.

With proper care and attention, you can revive its stunning green foliage and continue to enjoy the beauty it brings to your space.