Agapanthus Over Winter: Number 1 Key To Success

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Even though they may seem healthy when the cold days arrive, it is still important that you know the basics of how to maintain agapanthus over winter properly.

agapanthus over winter

Once upon a time, I saw a graceful Agapanthus able to withstand some frost and revive like magic as spring came.

I thought this plant was a friend of winter and snow, so I was certain my Agapanthus could live through the snowy days with ease.

Mine perished in no time. So what was the deal?

You may have read somewhere that Agapanthus can thrive in USDA zones 9 to 11.

But how come some manage to live through the snowy season with poise whereas not others?

To help you from making the same mistake I did, this blog is all about the right treatment for agapanthus over winter. So keep rolling.

agapanthus over winter

Agapanthus Over Winter – No.1 Fact

Step one of overwintering Agapanthus is to determine which variety your plant is because the caring regime will differ according to this factor.

Basically, there are two types of Agapanthus: Deciduous and Evergreen.

As the names may suggest, deciduous Agapanthus is more cold tolerant than Evergreen, which I dare so say is not anything comfortable with frost around.

If left outdoors during winter, the latter is sure to perish, whereas the former will have a better chance of survival with some protection (better does not mean they are perfectly immune!).

Key Winter Facts:

agapanthus over winter


  • The lowest survival temperature could be as low as -15°C.
  • Sheds it leaves during winter – meaning they don’t need much light to survive during these days.
  • Can withstand frost at a low level.


  • The lowest survival temperature is 0°C. But frost is off the show unless you want them to perish.
  • Does not cease its photosynthesis journey during winter and remains a light lover.

The easiest way to judge if your Agapanthus is deciduous or evergreen is to see if the leaves start to fall off as the season changes, which is an indicator of the former.

The EVER-green species will certainly retain their foliage year-round.

However, if you are uncertain about the type you have, lifting the tubers and storing them indoors is a foolproof method.

agapanthus over winter

How to Care for Deciduous Agapanthus in Winter

For deciduous plants, allow the foliage to die back completely before cutting the leaves off.

This will give the plant enough time to gather solar energy for the next season’s bloom.

It is preferable that you can bring them indoors (and be free to not bother about their need for light) until winter is over.

Remember not to give them any fertilization or water in the meantime.

The place where you leave it should be dry and cool nonetheless. If it is too warm, your plant will not produce flowers during springtime.

agapanthus over winter

How to Care for Evergreen Agapanthus in Winter

If you have the evergreen variety, planting them in containers is highly recommended.

This way, you can bring the pot indoors during winter and protect the plant from harsh conditions. When caring for Agapanthus in winter, remember to:

  • Suspend fertilizing until spring.
  • Keep the plant slightly on the dry side until May.
  • Provide bright light by placing the pot in a sunny window in a warm part of your home.
  • Water sparingly.

Outdoor Care of Agapanthus in Winter

If you live in a milder climate region, you are in luck! You can simply leave your Agapanthus plants in the ground during winter.

agapanthus over winter

For outdoor care of Agapanthus in winter, here is what you can do:

  • Cut back the deciduous foliage once it has died.
  • Mulch over the plant, ensuring a layer at least 3 inches (8 cm) thick.
  • Remove some of the mulch in spring to allow new growth to emerge.

For evergreen plants, occasional watering might be necessary if you live in a dry region.

Only water when the top 2 inches (5 cm) of soil are dry.

As with indoor plants, refrain from fertilization until spring, when warm temperatures return.

Start a fertilizing routine and regular watering, and in a few months, you will be rewarded with majestic and vibrant blooms that are a testament to your excellent winter care.

agapanthus over winter

Final Thoughts

With a little bit of attention and care during winter, your Agapanthus plants will continue to thrive, bringing beauty and joy to your garden.

So, gather your tools, prepare your plants, and let the magic of Agapanthus enchant your outdoor space year after year.