Can You Grow Passion Fruit Indoors?

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Can you grow passion fruit indoors and bring the exotic vibes to your home oasis? Yes, you can.

can you grow passion fruit indoors

I have always been fascinated by growing passion fruit indoors and creating my own delicious passion fruit juice from the fruits I nurture.

Many people are unaware that it is possible to cultivate passion fruit vine as a houseplant in their homes or apartments.

Not only is it feasible, but the temperature inside your home is likely to be ideal for fruit growth.

In this article, I will share with you the simple steps to growing passion fruit indoors so that you can give it a try and amaze your friends with a delightful new houseplant.

Can You Grow Passion Fruit Indoors? Yes!

can you grow passion fruit indoors

For the successful cultivation of passion fruit indoors, the procedure is remarkably uncomplicated.

Initiate the process by choosing a container with dimensions measuring 12 x 12 inches, and proceed to fill it with premium-grade potting soil.

Employ a trellis system to provide structural support for the vine as it extends around the designated framework.

Ensure the plant is exposed to a minimum of 4 hours of direct sunlight daily, thereby fostering optimal conditions for the growth and development of this houseplant.

Choosing the Best Passion Flower Vine Variety for Indoor Growth

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Not every type of passion fruit is ideal for growing indoors as houseplants. Some varieties work better for this than others.

Since passion fruits grow on vines, you don’t have to worry about space if you use a trellis to support the vine’s growth.

If you grow your vine from a seed acquired from a store-bought passion fruit, it will likely be a hybrid variety that may not resemble the original fruit.

In this case, I recommend purchasing a variety that is specifically suitable for indoor growth or opting for a bonsai variety like Mapplegreen, ensuring you know what you are getting.

Other options of passion fruit varieties that are more suitable for indoors growing for you to choose:

can you grow passion fruit indoors
Passiflora edulis ‘Pandora’
  1. “Possum Purple” (Passiflora edulis ‘Possum Purple’):
    • This is a dwarf passion fruit vine that is well-suited for container cultivation. It has smaller leaves and is more compact than standard passion fruit varieties.
  2. “Pandora” (Passiflora edulis ‘Pandora’):
    • The ‘Pandora’ variety is known for its compact growth habit and can be grown in containers. It produces small to medium-sized fruits with a good flavor.
  3. “Lady Margaret” (Passiflora incarnata ‘Lady Margaret’):
    • While technically a different species (Passiflora incarnata), ‘Lady Margaret’ is a passion flower variety that can be grown indoors. It has showy, fragrant flowers and may produce small, inedible fruits.
  4. “Victoria” (Passiflora edulis ‘Victoria’):
    • ‘Victoria’ is a self-pollinating passion fruit variety that is relatively compact compared to some other passion fruit vines. It is suitable for container gardening and can be grown indoors if provided with sufficient light.
can you grow passion fruit indoors
Passiflora incarnata ‘Lady Margaret’

Seedling or Seed: Which One to Choose?

While passion fruit can be grown from cuttings, going the seed route is often the better choice.

Keep in mind, though, that it might take up to 19 months for a passion fruit vine to mature enough to produce fruit.

If the aim is to enjoy homegrown fruits relatively sooner, starting with a seedling is a more convenient option.

Planting passion fruit from seeds might require a bit of patience due to the longer maturation period.

But if you’re itching for those fruits without the wait, grabbing a seedling will get you to homemade passion fruit goodness in no time.

Germinating Passion Fruit Seeds

Busting the idea that growing passion fruit seeds is a big deal – it’s actually pretty simple. Follow these detailed steps:

1 – Seed Extraction

Begin by cutting a passion fruit in half and carefully extracting the seeds from the pulp.

2 – Soaking Period

Submerge the passion fruit seeds in a bowl of water, allowing them to soak for approximately one week. This step facilitates the softening of the seed coat.

3 – Pulp Removal

After the soaking period, remove any remaining pulp from the seeds. This can be done by gently rubbing the seeds to ensure they are clean and free from any residual fruit material.

4 – Planting in a Pot

Transfer the cleaned seeds to a pot filled with soil, ensuring they are covered with a thin layer, approximately 1/8 inch deep. This potting step marks the commencement of the germination process.

5 – Watering

Provide a generous watering to the soil containing the passion fruit seeds. Adequate moisture is crucial for the initiation of the germination process.

6 – Moisture Retention

Seal the pot with a plastic bag to create a controlled environment that retains moisture. This step supports the seeds’ germination by mimicking the ideal conditions required for sprouting.

7 – Emergence of Shoots and Leaves

After an incubation period of approximately two weeks, you should observe the emergence of shoots and leaves from the soil. This signals successful germination and the beginning of the plant’s growth phase.

8 – Selection Process

Assess the emerging shoots and leaves, selecting the top 2 or 3 that exhibit the greatest strength and vitality.

9 – Repotting

Carefully repot the chosen shoots into separate containers, nurturing them as they develop into robust passion flower vines.

Choosing the Right Pot and Soil

can you grow passion fruit indoors


For indoor passion fruit growth, it is crucial to select a pot that maximizes space. A 12×12 inch pot is a suitable choice.

While the actual vine remains relatively small, the passion flower plant possesses an extensive root system.

Ensure that the pot or container you choose has proper drainage holes at the bottom.

Standing water can cause the roots to rot, leading to the death of your plant.

Additionally, passion fruit vines require a trellis system for optimal growth, as they can extend up to 15 feet in a single season.


can you grow passion fruit indoors

When it comes to soil, passion fruit vines are not particular and can thrive in most types.

However, it is essential to promote proper drainage by layering the bottom of the pot with stones or pebbles.

I personally use high-quality potting soil from the store, but you can also create your own mixture by combining equal parts of peat bark and sand.

Avoid using garden soil for potted plants, as it hampers drainage and negatively affects plant health.

Sunlight Requirements for Passion Fruit

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Passionflower vines thrive in sunlight, so the more direct sunlight your plant receives, the better.

Providing your passion fruit vine with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily is ideal for its growth.

If your home lacks sufficient natural light, you can supplement it with an affordable LED grow lamp.

Adequate lighting translates into increased fruit production, for those passionate about enjoying a bountiful harvest.

Watering Your Passion Flower Vine

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Passion fruit vines require a moderate amount of water.

During the growing season, I water my plant twice a week, while in winter, watering is reduced to once a month.

When watering, aim for a deep watering, ensuring water trickles out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

The frequency of watering depends on your local climate and the temperature inside your home.

Ideal Climate for Indoor Passion Fruit

Different varieties of passion fruit thrive in slightly different climates.

Passion fruit generally grows well in hot temperatures, but if the mercury rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37C), it might suffer.

can you grow passion fruit indoors

On the other hand, passionflower vines tolerate cold fairly well, enduring temperatures as low as 32 degrees Fahrenheit (-0C).

However, if the temperature drops below 25 degrees F (-4C), the vine may wither and die.

Fear not, as it should spring back to life from the roots when warmer weather arrives.

Fertilizing Passion Fruit in a Pot

Fertilizing passion fruit vines twice a year is usually sufficient for their healthy growth.

I prefer using Miracle Grow all-purpose concentrated plant food 6-3-6, which includes essential micronutrients.

High nitrogen fertilizers encourage vine and foliage growth, whereas those rich in potassium (potash) promote fruit production, which is the ultimate goal for fruit trees.

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Pruning Your Passion Fruit Vine in a Pot

Spring is the best time to prune your passion fruit vine.

While pruning is not necessary to encourage fruiting, it helps to control the growth of the vine, as it can extend 10-20 feet per season.

Trim the main stem to the desired size, focusing on side shoots or buds where possible.

After your passion fruit vine flowers, cut back the side shoots to a couple of buds from the main framework, stimulating fresh growth and increased fruit production.

Hand-Pollinating Passion Flowers

In nature, bees, insects, and wind serve as the primary pollinators for passion fruit flowers.

However, when growing passion fruit vines indoors, you must take on the role of the pollinator yourself.

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Some passion fruit varieties, such as yellow passion fruit, are self-sterile, necessitating two vines for cross-pollination.

In contrast, others, like purple passion fruit, are self-fruitful, meaning the flowers on a single vine can pollinate themselves.

Keep this in mind when selecting the variety you wish to cultivate.

Hand-pollination can be achieved using a small paintbrush to transfer pollen from one flower to another, ensuring pollination occurs thoroughly.

Harvesting and Storing Passion Fruit

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Passion fruit is ready for harvest when it falls off the vine naturally.

However, I recommend harvesting the fruits once they ripen but before they drop.

The color change varies depending on the variety, with green turning to orange, yellow, purple, or dark brown.

Additionally, the skin may appear wrinkled and shriveled, providing another indication of ripeness.

For freshly picked passion fruit, just let them chill at room temperature until they’re fully ripe.

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Before tossing them in the fridge, give those fruits a good wash and dry. In the fridge, these whole passion fruits can hang on for about two weeks.

Or, if you’re feeling fancy, scoop out the juicy stuff, freeze it in ice cube trays, and pop those passion cubes into a sealed bag or container.

Those frosty cubes will keep rocking for a cool eight months.

Troubleshooting Common Passion Fruit Vine Problems

As you are nurturing passion fruit vines indoors, it’s usually a breeze, but you cannot evade hitting a bump once in a while.

Fast growth can be a bit of a wild ride.

Like any plant pal, passion fruit vines might face some troubles. Spotting and fixing these issues pronto is key for a solid comeback.

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Check out a few typical problems and how to tackle them:

  • Bitter Rot: In hot and humid conditions, bitter rot can affect passion fruit, characterized by dark, soft lesions on the fruit that spread rapidly. To treat or prevent this, use a copper spray and promptly remove any infected fruits as soon as you notice the rot.
  • Crown Canker: This deadly disease affects passion fruit vines, starting near the ground and infecting damaged areas caused by frost, pests, or fertilizer burn. It leads to sudden wilting, leaf drop, and fruit drop. Unfortunately, there is no cure for crown canker, so infected vines should be removed and destroyed.
  • Thielaviopsis Root Rot: This fungal disease primarily affects plants grown in heavy soil. Signs include poor-colored foliage and an overall unhealthy appearance, with decayed roots exhibiting a blackened appearance. If your plant becomes infected, severely prune it to encourage fresh, healthy growth. If all else fails, disposing of the plant may be necessary.

Final Thoughts

can you grow passion fruit indoors

Growing passion fruit indoors can be a rewarding experience, providing you with delicious fruits and the joy of nurturing a beautiful houseplant.

Remember, it takes time and patience for your passion flower vine to reach maturity and produce fruit.

With proper care, your indoor passion fruit vine will thrive, adding beauty and flavor to your home.

So why not give it a try and embark on your passion fruit growing adventure today!