Red Stemmed Philodendron – A Care Guide & 3 Common Issues

The Philodendron Imperial Red – Red Stemmed Philodendron – is a stunning and easy-to-care-for houseplant that can bring life and color to any space.

red stemmed philodendron

This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about Red Stemmed Philodendron care, including watering, light, humidity, and fertilizer requirements.

We’ll also address common problems and how to troubleshoot them, so that you raise your favorite plant with ease and joy.

The Red Stemmed Philodendron

Philodendrons have been popular houseplants for centuries, and the Red Stemmed Philodendron variety stands out for its unique characteristics.

It is a hybrid philodendron that belongs to the Araceae family, which includes other well-known houseplants like the Monstera and Peace Lily.

red stemmed philodendron

What sets the Red Stemmed Philodendron apart is the size and color of its leaves.

The leaves are maroon and dark green, making it a dramatic addition to any indoor garden.

As the plant matures, its leaves spread out laterally, giving it an impressive floor plant appearance.

Red Stemmed Philodendron – Care and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep your Red Stemmed Philodendron healthy and thriving. Here are some tips:


red stemmed philodendron

The Red Stemmed Philodendron flourishes in conditions of bright, indirect light.

Positioning it adjacent to a north or east-facing window, where it can benefit from the soft morning light, is ideal.

It is advisable to prevent direct sun exposure, particularly in rooms facing south or west.

Any observation of yellowing leaves or sluggish growth may indicate insufficient light for your plant’s optimal development.


Proper watering is crucial for Red Stemmed Philodendron. Only water the plant when the top half of the soil is dry.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, so always check the soil moisture level before watering.

red stemmed philodendron

Use distilled or rainwater if possible, as it is free from chemicals that can harm the plant.

In winter, reduce watering frequency to accommodate the plant’s dormant phase.


Red Stemmed Philodendron is a tropical plant that thrives in high humidity.

While it can adapt to lower humidity levels, it grows best when provided with ideal conditions.

Increase humidity by using a humidifier, placing the plant on a pebble tray, misting the leaves, or grouping plants together.

Proper humidity helps prevent dry, brown leaves and encourages healthy growth.

red stemmed philodendron


Maintain a temperature range of 60-85°F (15-29°C) for your Red Stemmed Philodendron, ensuring it resides in a climate free from temperatures below 55°F (12°C) and the risk of frost, as the plant is not frost-hardy.

Additionally, safeguard the plant from cold drafts and abrupt temperature fluctuations.

Regularly monitor the ambient room temperature to guarantee that it consistently falls within the optimal range for the plant’s overall well-being.


Pick out a soil mix that plays well with your Red Stemmed Philodendron—make sure it’s the type that lets water waltz through it without sticking around too long, avoiding any root rot drama.

red stemmed philodendron

Aim for a pH level in the sweet spot, around 6 to 6.5, giving your plant the acidity it fancies.

Whether you go for a ready-made mix or whip up your concoction using potting soil, compost, perlite, peat moss, or coco coir, just keep it cozy for your leafy buddy.


Fertilize your Red Stemmed Philodendron every 4-6 weeks during the growing season using a balanced houseplant formulation or diluted liquid fertilizer.

Avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves to prevent damage. Adjust the frequency of fertilization during the fall and winter months.

Regular feeding will promote healthy growth and vibrant leaf color.


red stemmed philodendron

Regular pruning is essential to encourage bushy growth and remove dead or yellowing leaves.

Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts. Avoid cutting too close to the stem to prevent damage to the plant.


Repot your Red Stemmed Philodendron every 1-2 years or when the roots have outgrown the current pot.

Choose a slightly larger pot with drainage holes and a well-draining potting mix.

Repotting allows the plant to receive fresh nutrients and provides more space for root growth.

red stemmed philodendron

With proper care and maintenance, your Philodendron Imperial Red will thrive indoors and reward you with beautiful foliage for years to come.

Red Stemmed Philodendron Propagation

If you want to expand your collection of Red Stemmed Philodendron, propagating the plant is relatively easy.

The plant produces small plantlets at the base of the stem that can be gently removed and potted in separate containers.

For plantlets with only aerial roots, encourage root growth by wrapping the base of the stem and plantlet with damp sphagnum moss.

Once roots develop, separate the plantlet and pot it.

Remember to propagate during the plant’s active growth period in spring or summer.

Use clean tools, choose a well-draining potting mix, and provide bright, indirect light and proper moisture levels for the new plants.

red stemmed philodendron

3 Common Problems

While Red Stemmed Philodendron is a stunning plant, it can encounter some common problems. Here are a few and how to address them:

1. Pest Infestations

Prevention is key when it comes to pests. Regularly wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth, and consider adding neem oil to discourage insects.

If you notice pests, catch them early and remove them from the plant.

Aphids can be sprayed off with water, while mealybugs can be wiped off with rubbing alcohol.

2. Growing Problems

Yellowing leaves may indicate overwatering, so reduce watering and replace the soil with a fresh, well-draining mix.

Brown and crisp leaf edges may be a sign of under watering, so increase watering if needed.

red stemmed philodendron

If the leaves revert to green, it’s an indication that the plant isn’t receiving enough sunlight. Move it to a brighter spot to restore its reddish hues.

3. Diseases

Most diseases in Red Stemmed Philodendron are caused by overwatering, resulting in overly damp conditions.

Prevent diseases by keeping the soil on the drier side.

If a disease does develop, treat it early to prevent further damage. Erwinia Blight and Xanthomonas are bacterial infections caused by overwatering.

Remove affected leaves and improve your watering technique.


red stemmed philodendron

With the proper care, Red Stemmed Philodendron can thrive indoors and outdoors.

Remember to provide consistent watering, indirect sunlight, suitable temperatures, and occasional fertilizer and pruning.

These practices will help your plant bloom with beautiful foliage and add color to your home or garden.

FAQs about Red Stemmed Philodendron

Is it Rare?

Yes, Red Stemmed Philodendron is considered a rare variety, most commonly found in tropical regions.

How do you take care of Red Stemmed Philodendron?

To care for an Red Stemmed Philodendron, ensure it receives bright, indirect light. Water the plant when the top of the soil feels dry and allow excess water to drain away. Fertilize every three to four weeks during the growing season, and maintain moderate soil moisture and good air circulation. Prune any dead or damaged leaves for aesthetic purposes.

How big does Red Stemmed Philodendron get?

Red Stemmed Philodendron can grow up to 2-3 feet tall indoors with a leaf spread of 2-3 feet. Its lateral leaf spread makes it an impressive floor plant.