How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids indoor (Moth Orchids)

Are you eager to know how to care for Phalaenopsis Orchids indoor? Well, caring for phalaenopsis orchids, or moth orchids, can feel like a daunting task. Still, with the right information, these stunning plants can thrive in your home or garden. Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about nurturing these exotic beauties, from everyday care to transplanting an orchid for optimal growth

We’ll also discuss the intricacies of phalaenopsis orchid repotting, helping you give your plant the best possible foundation for success. Finally, we’ll share tips and tricks for encouraging orchids to rebloom, ensuring their captivating allure graces your space for years to come. Let’s embark on this journey and unlock the secrets of how to care for phalaenopsis orchids care together.

What are Phalaenopsis Butterfly Orchids or Moth Orchids?

Phalaenopsis butterfly orchids, or moth orchids, are a beloved species of orchids appreciated for their delicate, butterfly-like petals that exude an air of elegance and sophistication. These stunning flowers are native to tropical regions of Asia and Australia, where they grow wild in the most unexpected places. 

How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids

Of all the varieties, white phalaenopsis orchids are the most popular, coveted for their pure and pristine blooms that create a serene and peaceful atmosphere. With proper care and attention, these enchanting plants can thrive indoors or outdoors, becoming a focal point of any space with their captivating beauty.

Read More: 17 Different Types of Orchids With Pictures and Names

How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids (Moth Orchids) Indoors

Taking care for phalaenopsis orchids, or moth orchids, indoors is a delightful endeavor that can reward you with stunning blooms. To ensure their health and beauty, it’s essential to provide the right environment and care. Here are some key factors to consider when caring for these captivating flowers indoors:

How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids indoor

Light: Moth orchids thrive in bright, indirect light. Place them near a window with filtered sunlight for the best results.

Water: Water your orchids sparingly, allowing the potting medium to dry between waterings.

Temperature: Keep the temperature between 65-75°F during the day and 60-65°F at night for optimal growth.

Humidity: Aim for a humidity level of around 50-70% for healthy blooms.

Pruning: Regularly remove dead flowers and leaves to encourage new growth.

Maintenance: Keep an eye on your orchid’s health and repot when necessary, usually every 2-3 years.

Propagating from a keiki: If your orchid produces a baby plant, or keiki, you can carefully remove it and plant it in a separate container to grow a new orchid.

How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids indoor

By paying attention to these factors and providing proper care, your phalaenopsis orchid will flourish indoors, gracing your space with its enchanting presence. Remember, patience is key; with time and attention, your orchid will reward you with beautiful blooms and a sense of accomplishment.

How to Water Orchids in Bark 

Watering orchids in the bark is a bit different from using regular potting soil. Bark allows for better air circulation around the roots, which phalaenopsis orchids love. To properly water your orchid, thoroughly drench the bark until water runs out of the pot’s drainage holes. Wait for the bark to become nearly dry before watering again, usually about once a week. 

How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids

By following this simple method, you’ll ensure your phalaenopsis orchid stays hydrated and healthy in its bark-filled home.

Basics on How to Transplant an Orchid 

Transplanting an orchid is crucial for its well-being. Here’s a concise guide to repotting orchids:

  1. Repot after flowering when new growth appears.
  2. Carefully take the orchid out of its pot and loosen the roots.
  3. Use sterilized scissors to cut away damaged roots.
  4. Choose a slightly larger pot, filling it halfway with fresh orchid mix.
  5. Spread roots evenly in the new pot.
  6. Fill in the space, covering roots while leaving the stem base exposed.
  7. Thoroughly water your newly repotted orchid.
How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids

By following these simple steps, you’ll master the art of transplanting orchids, ensuring they continue to thrive and bring beauty to your space.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Repotting (Step-by-Step) 

Repotting your phalaenopsis orchids is essential to keep them healthy and growing strong. Here’s a simple, easy-to-follow guide to help you repot your moth orchids:

Choose the right moment: Wait until the orchid finishes blooming and starts to show new growth. You should also repot if the potting medium is deteriorating or roots are cramped.

Get everything ready: You’ll need a new, slightly larger pot, fresh orchid mix (like bark or moss), clean scissors or pruning shears, and gloves.

Carefully remove your orchid: Ease the orchid out of its pot, gently freeing any tangled roots. You may need to tap the pot or use a knife along the edges to loosen the roots.

Clean up those roots: Rinse the roots in lukewarm water to remove old potting mix, then check for any damage.

Trim unhealthy roots: With clean scissors, cut away any damaged or dead roots, leaving only the healthy ones.

Prep the new pot: Ensure the pot has drainage holes and add fresh orchid mix up to the halfway point.

Position your orchid: Place it in the new pot with roots spread out, keeping the stem base just above the mix.

Finish with potting mix: Add more mix to fill the pot, gently pressing to remove air pockets without compacting it.

Give it a good soak: Water your newly repotted orchid thoroughly, then wait a week before the next watering to allow injured roots to heal.

Care for your orchid: Place it in a bright spot with indirect light and maintain the right temperature and humidity.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Repotting (Step-by-Step) 

Following these steps, you’ll master the art of repotting phalaenopsis orchids and enjoy their stunning blooms for years to come.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care After Flowering 

After your phalaenopsis orchid has finished blooming, it’s essential to provide proper care to encourage future flowering. Start by trimming the spent flower spike, cutting it just above the node where the first flower emerged. This can sometimes stimulate a secondary bloom on the same spike.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care After Flowering 

In terms of size, phalaenopsis orchids can vary greatly. Most houseplant varieties range from 1 to 2 feet in height, with leaves spanning 3 to 6 inches. Continue to provide proper light, water, and temperature, and fertilize every few weeks with an orchid-specific fertilizer. With the right care, your orchid will grow and bloom beautifully for years to come.

Orchid Growing Cycle 

Orchids go through a growth cycle that includes a dormant period, new growth, and flowering. Yes, orchid flowers do grow back! After the blooms fade and fall off, the plant enters a resting phase to gather energy for the next blooming season. With proper care, your orchid can produce vibrant flowers year after year.

Do Orchids Rebloom? 

Many people wonder if their orchids will rebloom or grow back after the initial flowers have fallen off. The good news is, yes, orchids do rebloom! With proper care, your orchid can bloom again, rewarding you with beautiful flowers year after year.

Understanding the orchid bloom cycle is crucial for helping your plant thrive. Orchids go through a growth cycle that includes a dormant period, new growth, and flowering. After blooming, the plant enters a resting phase to gather energy for the next blooming season.

How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids

To get your orchids to rebloom, provide the right care during the resting phase. Maintain proper light, water, temperature, and humidity levels, and fertilize your orchid every few weeks with a fertilizer specifically designed for orchids. Prune spent flower spikes and ensure the plant is not root-bound, as this can inhibit future blooming.

How Often Do Orchids Bloom

Orchids have varying blooming frequencies, but most commonly, they bloom once or twice a year. The exact timing depends on the species, care provided, and growing conditions. If your orchid isn’t blooming, it might need a change in light, temperature, or watering regimen.

To tell if your orchid will bloom again, look for healthy leaves and root growth. Sometimes, it takes patience, as the plant needs time to gather energy for its next bloom. To encourage flowering, maintain proper care, and use an orchid-specific fertilizer. With the right attention, your orchid will likely reward you with stunning blooms in due time.

How to Get Orchids to Rebloom 

Orchids are beloved for their stunning blooms, but getting them to rebloom can be a challenge. With proper care and patience, however, it’s possible to encourage your orchid to produce beautiful flowers once again.

First, ensure your orchid is in a healthy state. Look for signs of healthy growth, such as new leaves and roots. If your orchid is struggling, address any issues with lighting, temperature, watering, or fertilizer to promote optimal health.

Next, understand the orchid bloom cycle. Most orchids have a blooming season and rebloom may occur during the same season or a few months later. Some orchids, however, can bloom all year round.

Pruning spent flower spikes can encourage new growth and future blooms. Some orchids may produce a second bloom on the same spike, while others will develop new spikes.

How to Get Orchids to Rebloom 

Finally, be patient. Orchids can take time to rebloom, and some varieties may take longer than others. With proper care and attention, however, your orchid will likely reward you with stunning new blooms.


  • How do you keep Phalaenopsis orchids blooming?
  • What to do with orchid after flowers fall off?
  • How long do Phalaenopsis orchids last?
  • How often do you water Phalaenopsis orchids?
  • Are Phalaenopsis orchids prone to get diseases?
  • How can I get Phalaenopsis orchids to rebloom?

Summary – Phalaenopsis Orchid Care for Beginners 

In conclusion, caring for phalaenopsis orchids doesn’t have to be daunting. These beautiful plants require proper attention to thrive and rebloom. Start by providing adequate light, temperature, and humidity levels, and water them appropriately. Transplanting or repotting your orchid is necessary for its health and growth, so be sure to do it when needed, following a step-by-step process.

Phalaenopsis orchid care involves patience, as these plants need time to gather energy for their next bloom. With the right care, your orchid can produce stunning flowers year after year. Embrace the journey of nurturing your orchid, and enjoy the vibrant colors and elegance it brings to your indoor space.

Read more:

How to Take Care of an Orchid Indoors: Mastering Water, Soil, Light Needs & More