Tips of Snake Plant Brown: 6 Potential Issues To Address

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Tips of snake plant brown? There might be more than one cause for the issue, which is certainly not a natural occurrence were the plant healthy.

tips of snake plant brown

In fact, there are up to six possibilities why your snake plant may exhibit brown tips on its leaves, which I’ll discuss briefly below.

Note that brown tips aren’t much of a concern for these kinds of houseplant since the problem is easily amendable once you’ve detected the right suspect.

1. Wrong Watering Frequency

Overwater or underwater, your snake plant will certainly react with its brown tips.

Here’s the key, snake plant is a kind of succulent, and as you may know already, succulents are adaptable in dry conditions (of course it does not mean the plant won’t need water whatsoever to survive). 

But as the plant does not appear too evidently succulent, we tend to give it water more than it asks rather than vice versa. 

tips of snake plant brown

Give your Snake Plant a drink every two weeks, but make sure the soil dries out completely to dodge the dreaded overwatering and root rot duo.

In the chilly winter months, once a month is the watering rhythm—unless, of course, the soil is still holding onto that moisture after two weeks.

It’s like giving your green buddy a sip when it’s truly thirsty. Cheers to happy, thriving plants!

2. Its Roots Are Rooting

If you think you’ve nailed the schedule perfectly, but the brown tips persist anyway, switch your detective eye to the pot.

Has the soil been draining properly? Snake plants are chill, but even they don’t like waterlogged feet. 

tips of snake plant brown

Once the culprit is caught right handed, it is time to immediately rescue your snake plant from its suffocating home to a new, better drained pot and soil.

Remember to chop off any severely damaged root parts during the sessions, they may spread over.

Note that even as your snake plant has been resettled to a new loving container, its tips might still continue to brown for a little while.

This is because a sudden change in root environment also causes sock, and the plant may need some time to get used to its new home.

3. A Fungal Disease

Snake plants are like the rockstars of cleaning up the air, but here’s the kicker—they need some fresh air too!

If you spot your snake plant’s tips going all brown, that might be the plant’s way of saying, “Hey, can a buddy get some air in here?”

Remember that when the oxygen’s low, it’s like rolling out the red carpet for funky stuff like powdery mildew and leaf spot.

tips of snake plant brown

Here are my two ways of preventing such unwelcoming guests:

  • Leave it in a place with good airflow – breeding ground at bay!
  • My trusted bestie: neem oil. But I’d use it once a month only. It is just a preventative measure.

4. Sunlight Overdose

If your snake plant’s leaves start rocking a brown and brittle look, it might be catching a bit too much sun.

Like many succulents, these bad boys are tropical champs and love their light.

But, if you’re in a scorching hot spot, think about giving your plant a chill spot with some indirect sunlight to dodge that browning vibe.

5. Hot and Dry

The browning of your snake plant’s tips may be a result of hot and dry air in your room.

Snake plants prefer humidity, so it’s best to place them in a room with a temperature of around 70 degrees rather than 80 degrees.

Regularly watering your snake plants is also essential since they are not drought-tolerant.

tips of snake plant brown

6. Wrong Food 

Brown tips on a snake plant can be a sign of a nutrient hitch.

Most of the time, it is because you’ve been leaving it in an area with minimal light, which is not the environment whereby the plant is forced to consume as many nutrients to survive.

Consider a well-balanced soil and more elongated feeding schedule if you are keeping your snake plant somewhere with little light.


We hope these tips have provided you with solutions to address the issue of your snake plant’s brown tips.

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below!

Remember, taking proper care of your snake plant will ensure its vibrant and healthy growth.