Philodendron Ring of Fire Care: A Short Guide

Peculiar as the plant is, Philodendron Ring of Fire care is slightly atypical as well. One first feature is that it enjoys warm water, not too cold, not too hot.

philodendron ring of fire care

One of the most sought-after Philodendrons on the market is the extraordinary ‘Philodendron Ring of Fire.’

 This stunning plant isn’t just two or three colors—it boasts an incredible five-color combination that changes throughout the year.

The Ring of Fire is a slow grower, but its unique beauty makes it well worth the wait.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Care


To give your Philodendron Ring of Fire the best chance to thrive, plant it in moist, organic soil.

This plant absorbs nutrients slowly, so it’s important to keep the soil slightly damp at all times.

Use a rich, nutritious soil mix like an aroid potting mix that provides good drainage.

philodendron ring of fire care


The Ring of Fire doesn’t require frequent watering. During the active growing seasons of summer and spring, water your plant every 7 to 9 days.

In the dormant seasons of winter and fall, adjust the watering frequency to every 2 to 3 weeks.

Check the top 2 to 3 inches of soil; if it feels dry, it’s time to water.

As said, the plant loves lukewarm water. But during the cold winter, it is best to use room temperature water to avoid shocking it.


The Philodendron Ring of Fire can adapt to different light conditions.

While it prefers bright, dappled sunlight, it can also tolerate low-light areas.

However, the plant will thrive best in brighter locations. Place it in front of an east or south-facing window, or under artificial growing lights.


This tropical beauty is adaptable to mild temperatures. It prefers a range of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 27 degrees Celsius).

Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures and protect it from frost and freezing conditions during winter.

philodendron ring of fire care


The Ring of Fire plant prefers moderate humidity levels, ranging from 30% to 60%.

Most households provide suitable humidity for this plant, but you can use a humidifier or mist the surroundings to maintain optimal levels.

Avoid placing the plant in an environment with humidity exceeding 80%.


Feed your Philodendron Ring of Fire plant with a good-quality fertilizer for Philodendrons three times a year.

Apply the fertilizer to moist soil to aid absorption and prevent salt buildup.

Use an instant-release or slow-release fertilizer, depending on your preference.

Fertilize only during the active growing seasons.


The Philodendron Ring of Fire prefers being slightly root-bound, so repotting is not necessary every year.

Choose a pot that provides enough space for the roots but isn’t excessively larger than the plant.

Repotting every 2 to 3 years or when the roots outgrow the container is sufficient.


Pruning is necessary to maintain the Philodendron Ring of Fire’s appearance and control growth.

If the plant becomes too large or develops yellow or abnormal leaves, prune as needed.

Clean your pruning shears before use to prevent the spread of disease.

philodendron ring of fire care


You can propagate the Ring of Fire through stem cuttings. Sterilize your gardening knife and cut a stem with two or more leaf nodes.

Dip the cut end in rooting hormone, then place it in water or moist soil. Provide indirect sunlight and monitor for root growth.

Patience is key during the propagation process.

Common Problems

The Philodendron Ring of Fire may encounter pests such as mealybugs and thrips. Treat these pests using insecticidal soap or water jets.

Water stress can also cause issues, so ensure you water your plant regularly and avoid overexposure to sunlight.

Tips for Growing Philodendron Ring of Fire

  • Use lukewarm water for watering.
  • Slow-release fertilizers are ideal for slow-growing Philodendrons.
  • Protect the plant from direct sunlight.

Philodendron Ring of Fire is an eye-catching houseplant that can brighten up any space with its vibrant colors.

With proper care and attention, this beautiful plant will thrive and bring joy to your home.

Avoid letting pests feed on this toxic plant and enjoy the mesmerizing beauty it offers.