Ruby Necklace Plant Care: A Simple Guide for Beginners

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Ruby Necklace Plant Care is relatively easy for beginners.

ruby necklace plant care

These succulents are champs—they’re forgiving and sturdy, perfect for beginners diving into plant care. With them, you won’t need a green thumb. 

This blog is all about the simple tricks for nurturing your lovely Ruby Necklace Plants! 

In this blog, we’ll explore the basics and tips of keeping these lovely succulents healthy. 

Ruby Necklace Plant

Often called the String of Rubies or Pickles, the Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’ is one cool succulent to keep (and mesmerizing to look at!).

Stress turns its green leaves into a bold red, giving it that jewelry-like shine and earning its fancy name.

Want something stunning for your garden or indoors? This sun-loving plant is just the right pick for you (and me).

ruby necklace plant care

General Ruby Necklace Plant Care

Ruby Necklace is a hardy and low-maintenance plant, making it ideal for both outdoor gardens and indoor hanging baskets.

Here are some essential care tips to keep your succulent thriving:

1. Light

Ruby Necklace thrives in bright, direct light. If you’re growing it outdoors, make sure it has some shade during the intense afternoon sun.

Indoors, place your succulent in a well-lit spot with plenty of bright indirect light. During the dark winter months, consider using a grow light to provide adequate lighting.

Insufficient light can cause the leaves to turn green and the plant to become leggy.

2. Water

ruby necklace plant care

The Ruby Necklace, being a resilient succulent, doesn’t need watering too often. To avoid any root issues, it’s crucial to let the soil dry between waterings.

When it’s time to water, make sure you do so thoroughly, allowing any extra water to drain away.

To know when your succulent is thirsty, simply poke your finger about two inches into the soil. If it’s dry, it’s time to hydrate your plant friend!

3. Soil

The Ruby Necklace just loves soil that’s light and well-draining. You can get some ready-made succulent and cactus mix from your local garden store.

If you want to DIY it, mix two parts regular potting soil with one part perlite and one part sand.

Stay away from soil that holds onto water for too long, ’cause this succulent prefers staying dry!

ruby necklace plant care

4. Temperature and Humidity

This succulent prefers warm temperatures and does not tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keep your Ruby Necklace in a room with temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Maintain humidity levels between 30-50%. Avoid placing your plant near cold windows, vents, or heating sources.

5. Fertilizer

While Ruby Necklace does not require frequent fertilization, you can support new growth by using a diluted liquid succulent fertilizer.

Mix the fertilizer with water in a 50/50 ratio and apply it every few weeks during the growing season. Choose a fertilizer low in nitrogen to prevent root burn.

ruby necklace plant care

Extra Ruby Necklace Plant Care

1. Potting and Repotting


Selecting the right pot for your Ruby Necklace is a key choice!

Look for pots made of concrete, ceramic, or terracotta – these materials are porous and perfect for letting water flow through and away from your plant.


Ruby Necklace is a fast grower compared to other succulents but does not require frequent repotting.

Repot every 2-3 years with a pot only one size larger. Repotting should be done during the growing season (spring-summer).

Be careful when handling the delicate stems and leaves. If you accidentally break a few, don’t worry! You can use these cuttings for propagation.

ruby necklace plant care

2. Pruning

Regular pruning is not necessary for Ruby Necklace unless the plant becomes leggy or you want to shorten its length.

Use a sharp, clean pair of scissors or a knife to prune. Removing dead or damaged leaves will help keep the plant neat and tidy.

You can propagate cuttings taken during pruning.

3. Propagation

Propagating Ruby Necklace is simple using stem cuttings. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Snip off 4-6 inch stems close to the base, making sure each stem has 2-3 nodes.
  • Let the cut ends sit for 1-2 days to form a protective layer.
  • Dip the ends in a rooting hormone and tuck them into well-draining succulent soil.
  • Spritz the cuttings often to keep the soil lightly moist, and find them a bright spot with good airflow.
  • Once the cuttings grow roots, give them their own pots and continue with the care guide we discussed earlier.

Alternatively, you can propagate Ruby Necklace in water. Place stem cuttings with at least 1-2 nodes in a glass or transparent plastic jar filled with clean water.

Change the water weekly, and once the roots grow a few inches, plant your new Ruby Necklace in soil.

ruby necklace plant care

4. Blooming

Ruby Necklace produces beautiful small daisy-like flowers that resemble yellow crowns.

To encourage blooming, provide increased light exposure and apply diluted fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer).

Common Pests and Diseases

String of Rubies may face issues due to poor drainage and overwatering. Common problems include root rot, mold, and fungal diseases.

Additionally, pests like mealybugs and scale can infest your plant if left untreated.

Regularly inspect your succulent for signs of trouble to prevent and address these issues effectively.

Final Thoughts

Caring for a Ruby Necklace succulent is a rewarding experience.

With its captivating colors and low-maintenance nature, it is the perfect addition to any garden or indoor space.

Follow these care tips, and your Ruby Necklace will thrive, becoming a true gem in your collection. Happy gardening!