What Grows Well With Asparagus: 11+ Options To Consider

Try and explore what grows well with asparagus if you are planning to cultivate the delicious spear veggies at home, you’ll be growing a salad to harvest!

what grows well with asparagus

Asparagus is a wonderful plant to have in your perennial garden. Its slender stalks and feathery leaves are just my all time favorite for healthy meals.

And so I am compelled to just grow them myself and what them grow.

Over the course of my journey, I discovered that to get the most out of my asparagus, it is beneficial that I find them companies.

What is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is an age-old practice where farmers strategically select crops and plant them next to each other to achieve various benefits.

Companions can improve crop yields, deter pests, and attract beneficial insects.

It’s a system of mutuality and exchange that mimics the cooperative support found in natural ecosystems.

what grows well with asparagus

One famous example of companion planting is the Native American practice of growing “three sisters” crops.

Farmers plant beans, corn, and squash together, creating a symbiotic relationship.

The corn stalks provide support for climbing beans and shade for both beans and squash.

Beans fix nitrogen into the soil, benefiting corn and squash. Meanwhile, squash acts as a natural pest deterrent and suppresses weeds.

This practice embodies the essence of companion planting and demonstrates the power of creating mutually beneficial plant communities.

What Grows Well With Asparagus

Tomato and Eggplants

what grows well with asparagus

When it comes to asparagus companion planting, there are several plants that can enhance its growth and protect it from pests.

One well-known companion for asparagus is tomato.

Asparagus repels nematodes, which can damage tomato roots, while tomato plants release solanine chemicals in the soil that repel asparagus beetles.

This symbiotic relationship ensures a high yield and protects both plants.

Eggplants are also excellent companions for asparagus.

They belong to the nightshade family, just like tomatoes, making them compatible with asparagus.

Planting tomatoes and eggplants in the area where you harvested asparagus stalks in early spring, along with some extra compost, will boost nutrient content and promote healthy growth.


what grows well with asparagus

Certain herbs, such as basil and parsley, can also support asparagus growth. These herbs attract beneficial insects and repel asparagus beetles.

Basil also keeps tomato hornworms away from tomato plants, further aiding in asparagus beetle control.

Additionally, parsley hosts swallowtail butterflies, which are essential pollinators in many regions.

Since basil and parsley have similar moisture requirements, they can be planted side-by-side to create a vibrant and aromatic garden that attracts beneficial insects.

Cilantro and dill are shallow-rooted plants that appreciate the shade provided by asparagus.

By planting them in rows at the other end of your asparagus bed, you’ll provide free pollen to beneficial insects, attract birds that eat pests, and enrich the soil.


what grows well with asparagus

Several species of flowers also make excellent companions for asparagus.

Species in the aster family, such as petunias, marigolds, and nasturtiums, help deter asparagus beetles.

Marigolds also repel whiteflies, aphids, and nematodes, while petunias repel aphids.

These flowers not only protect asparagus but also attract pollinators, creating a thriving ecosystem.


what grows well with asparagus

If you enjoy intensive planting, strawberries can be planted alongside asparagus.

However, make sure to plant asparagus about six inches deeper than recommended to prevent root competition.

Strawberries act as a ground cover, suppressing weeds and providing a beautiful addition to your garden.

Avoid planting strawberries and tomatoes together because tomatoes last only one season, while strawberries continue to grow for years.

Other Veggies

what grows well with asparagus

Spinach, lettuce, and beets are great choices to grow near asparagus.

They don’t take up much space and have shallow roots, making them compatible with asparagus.

Planting them with the aforementioned flowers will help control insect pests and provide an abundance of leafy greens for your meals.

What Not To Plant With Asparagus

While there are excellent companion plants for asparagus, it’s important to avoid certain plant combinations.

Asparagus should not be planted near any members of the allium family, such as onions, leeks, and garlic.

what grows well with asparagus

Alliums take up valuable nutrients and hinder asparagus growth.

Their deep roots can disrupt the slow-growing roots of asparagus, resulting in stunted stalks or no stalks at all.

Potatoes and asparagus are also not ideal companions because they compete for the deep root sections of the garden.

Carrots require a deeper root system than some plants, making them incompatible with asparagus.

Additionally, carrots do not thrive when planted near herbs that asparagus loves, like dill.

Deeply rooted plants and crops that take a long time to grow, like alliums and potatoes, should be kept separate from asparagus.

Their substantial root systems and chemical production can hinder asparagus growth.

To ensure optimal growth, create a separate area for potatoes or other deeply rooted plants.

what grows well with asparagus
Potato Flowers

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I plant asparagus and strawberries together?

A: Yes, asparagus and strawberries make great companions. However, ensure that the asparagus roots are about a foot below the soil before interplanting strawberries to avoid root competition.

Q: Can you plant other vegetables with asparagus?

A: Many vegetables thrive alongside asparagus. Lettuce, beets, spinach, and other shallow-rooted plants can coexist with asparagus without competing for nutrients. These vegetables complete their life cycle before the asparagus plant requires significant resources. By incorporating these companion plants into your asparagus garden, you’ll create a harmonious ecosystem that maximizes your yield and minimizes pest problems. Remember to plan your garden carefully, keeping in mind the compatibility and growth requirements of each plant. With the right companions, your asparagus bed will flourish, providing delicious spears for years to come.