What Does A Peace Lily Look Like When It’s Healthy

They are so often seen as elegant houseplants that add a premium flair to where it is placed. But, what does a peace lily look like when it’s healthy? 

what does a peace lily look like

One obvious sign of a peace lily are their spathes, which are white and curved like a rain-drop, enclosing a yellow spadix that bears the actual flowers.

You can easily spot peace lilies, also known as Spathiphyllum, thrive in the wild in Central and South America. They are tropical plants that can live and flower outdoors during warm days of summer. 

Much like any plant living in its own habitat, peace lily plants can reach as high as 6 feet outdoors, with deep big green leaves forming a lush backdrop. 

Quick Facts about Peace Lilies

  • Botanical name – Spathiphyllum
  • Peace lily is not true Lily (Lilium)
  • Sun exposure – Partial to deep shade
  • Soil requirements – Rich potting soil
  • Hardiness zones – 11 and 12
  • Height: from 1 to 6 feet (0.3 to 1.8 m) and Spread from 1 to 5 feet (0.3 to 1.5 m)
  • When to plant: Peace lily is year-round indoors plant
what does a peace lily look like

Peace lilies not only make lovely additions to your home or office but are also known for their air-purifying abilities. Most peace lilies have dark green leaves and striking white “flowers.” 

Interestingly, what we perceive as the flower is actually a specialized leaf bract that grows hooded over the actual flowers.

What Does A Peace Lily Look Like When It’s Healthy

Knowing exactly how a peace lily looks when it’s thriving is critical to caring for it. You want a benchmark to discern any potential problems.

Here’s the short answer: if the plant exhibits long-stemmed white flowers with dense, green, shiny foliage, you know you have been doing an excellent job caring for the plant.

To achieve that, you will need to provide it with the right caring regimen. Keep rolling for a quick guide on growing peace lilies at home.

what does a peace lily look like

Peace Lily Care

Peace Lily Light Requirements

In their native habitat, peace lilies thrive in dappled light and can even tolerate deep shade.

As houseplants, they prefer bright, filtered light. Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, so it’s important to avoid placing them in direct light.

However, if exposed to brighter light, peace lilies will produce their iconic white spathes and flowers more frequently.

In low-light conditions, peace lilies tend to bloom less and should be treated as traditional foliage plants.

what does a peace lily look like

Watering Peace Lily Plants

To determine when to water your peace lily, allow the soil to dry before watering. If you are a person who relies on a set schedule, you might have to adopt a new habit. 

This is because peace lily’s hydrating demand can easily change due to a host of reasons, such as light, humidity, seasons, weather, etc.

Yet, it is also so particular about the amount of water it receives. Too much or too little, you’ll get the same result: drooping.

Therefore, it’s best to check the soil once a week and give the plant water when you are certain the soil is dry, but not too crumbly dehydrated. 

  • Fingertip test: Touch the top of the soil with your finger and see if it feels dry. If it still feels damp with much of the soil sticking to your finger, you should hold off on watering for 2-3 days to come.

Some plant parents prefer to wait until their peace lily starts to droop (or wilt) a little before watering.

Since these plants are quite tolerant of drought, this method won’t harm them and can help prevent overwatering.

what does a peace lily look like

Peace Lily Repotting Tips

You won’t need to repot your peace lily frequently. In fact, peace lilies actually thrive when they become root bound, making them excellent houseplants. 

Still, it does not mean you forget about giving your plant a new home whatsoever. Here are some telltale signs the time has clicked:

  • The roots start protruding from the drainage holes or become visible above the soil around the base of the plant.
  • It droops less than a week after being watered, or if the leaves become crowded or deformed. 
  • Ideally, you should transfer your plant to a new pot in late winter or early spring, which is when it is coming out of its dormant period and is full of vitality. 

You won’t have to repot the plant in 1 or 2 years to come and it may rise up to 6 inches each year meanwhile.

To cater to this, find a container that is at least 2 inches (5 cm) larger than the current pot.

what does a peace lily look like

How to Propagate Peace Lilies

You can easily propagate peace lilies through division.

Remove the entire plant from the pot and separate one or more crowns for replanting.

Gently pulling the crowns apart should do the trick, but you can also use a sharp knife if needed.

Another method is to cut through the center of the rootball with a sharp knife and replant each half in its own container.

what does a peace lily look like

Soil & Fertilizer for Peace Lily Plants

To ensure optimal growth, plant your Spathiphyllum in a container with high-quality, well-draining potting mix.

During the growing season, fertilize your peace lily with a general houseplant fertilizer every six to eight weeks.

Use only a quarter of the recommended strength, as peace lilies are highly sensitive to overfertilization, which can cause leaf tip and edge burn.

Problems, Pests & Diseases

Peace lilies are not prone to many pests or diseases. However, overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s important to avoid excessive moisture.

Watch out for potential infestations of mealybugs and scale.

what does a peace lily look like

How To Prevent

The large, flat leaves of peace lilies tend to accumulate dust and should be wiped regularly. This not only keeps them looking fresh but also helps the plant process sunlight more effectively.

While cleaning your peace lily, be cautious of commercial leaf shine products that can clog the plant’s pores.

To wash the plant, you can either set it in the bath and give it a brief shower or place it in a sink and let the tap gently run over the leaves.

Peace Lily Varieties

As popular houseplants, peace lilies come in various species and cultivars. You can easily find different peace lily varieties at your local garden center or online.

what does a peace lily look like

Here are a few notable ones:

  • Spatiphyllum wallisii: This is one of the most common peace lily species grown as a houseplant. It features glossy, lance-shaped leaves and showy white spathes.
  • “Sensation”: Considered the largest commercially cultivated peace lily, “Sensation” can reach up to six feet (1.8 m) in height and width. Its leaves are dark green and strongly textured.
  • “Mauna Loa Supreme”: A medium-sized variety, “Mauna Loa Supreme” grows to about two or three feet (0.6 to 0.9 m) tall. It boasts large white flowers.
  • “Allison”: If you prefer a smaller peace lily, “Allison” is an excellent choice, reaching a maximum height of about two feet (0.6 m). It blooms abundantly.
  • “Jetty”: Similar in size to “Allison,” this cultivar features glossy leaves and long-lasting flowers.
  • “Little Angel”: For a compact peace lily, opt for “Little Angel.” It grows to approximately 12 inches (30 cm) and blooms prolifically.
  • “Jet Diamond”: Although a bit harder to find, this newer cultivar stands out with its dark green leaves and silvery variegation.

Now armed with these care tips, you are ready to cultivate your own beautiful peace lily and enjoy its elegance and air purification benefits. Happy gardening!