White Spots on Money Tree: Causes and Solutions

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White spots on a money tree’s foliage could be a result of different issues, including pests, fungal infections, or issues related to water quality.

white spots on money tree

Money Tree, known for its association with fortune and wealth, is not only a beautiful addition to your home but also a natural air purifier.

However, even this resilient plant is susceptible to certain problems, such as white spots on its leaves.

In this article, we will explore the causes behind these white spots and discuss effective remedies to help your Money Tree flourish.

White Spots on Money Tree – The Most Likely Culprit

Powdery Mildew, a fungal disease commonly found in Money Trees, is often the culprit behind the appearance of white spots.

This disease attacks the leaves, causing visible white spots with a powdery coating.

These spots prevent sunlight from entering the leaves, leading to discoloration and the leaves turning brown or yellow.

If left untreated, the health of your Money Tree may deteriorate, leading to withering and wilting.

white spots on money tree

Other Causes of White Spots on Money Tree

While Powdery Mildew is a major cause of white spots, it’s essential to consider other factors that can contribute to this issue. Let’s explore some of these factors:


Oedema occurs when the roots of your Money Tree are exposed to excessive moisture.

This can happen when you overwater the plant after allowing it to dry out for an extended period.

Oedema manifests as blisters or small spots beneath the leaves, which eventually spread and form rust-colored areas.

As the affected tissue dries, it falls off, leaving unsightly holes in the leaves.

white spots on money tree

Proper Remedy

  • Regulate your watering process, ensuring that your Money Tree receives an adequate amount of water without experiencing dryness.
  • Check your plant’s drainage system and remove any excess water from the pot saucer.
  • Improve air circulation by providing a 5-inch spacing between your plants, reducing humidity levels.
  • Place your Money Tree in a sunny area that receives moderate sunlight to aid in soil drying. Avoid exposing it to excessive direct sunlight.
  • Increase the soil’s potassium level by adding compost with banana peels and provide additional calcium intake by spraying a calcium chloride solution.

Powdery Mildew

As mentioned earlier, Powdery Mildew is a common fungal disease that causes white spots on Money Trees.

It spreads through defoliated leaves or other plant parts where spores tend to develop.

The disease directly attacks the leaves, resulting in a visible powdery substance on the upper side.

white spots on money tree
Powdery Mildew

Proper Remedy

  • Isolate your Money Tree once you detect symptoms of Powdery Mildew to prevent the spread of spores.
  • Spray a mixture of baking soda diluted in water on the affected leaves.
  • Wipe the leaves with a clean cloth soaked in a mixture of fungicidal soap and warm water.
  • Clean the area where your plant is located to prevent a recurrence of the disease.
  • In severe cases, dispose of the affected Money Tree to protect other houseplants.

Pest Infestation

Money Trees can attract various unwanted insects due to the sticky sap they excrete. Several pests can cause white spots on the leaves. Here are some common culprits:


white spots on money tree

These tiny insects resemble small lumps on your plant and feed on the sap from the phloem.

Their feeding can cause discoloration and decline in your Money Tree’s health.

To eliminate Mealybugs, wipe the leaves with a clean cloth soaked in alcohol or use insecticidal soaps.

Spider Mites

These microscopic insects suck the juice out of Money Trees, leading to nutrient deficiencies, white spots, and leaf deformations.

To control the infestation, isolate your plant, provide proper spacing, and use horticultural oils or insecticidal soaps.


white spots on money tree

Thrips are needle-like insects that enjoy feeding on plant juice. They can cause streaks and white patches on the leaves.

To remove them, place a white cloth under your plant and gently shake it to drop the thrips.

Use dishwashing soap to terminate them or spray neem oil or spinosad on severely affected areas.

Leaf Miners

Leaf Miners are larvae of moths and flies that create tunnels in the leaves.

This results in curvy lines and white patches.

The best way to eliminate them is to remove the infected leaves and avoid using pesticides.

Lack/Excess of Micronutrients

white spots on money tree

Your Money Tree relies on essential micronutrients for its growth and vitality.

However, an imbalance in these nutrients can also lead to white spots on the leaves.

Here are some important micronutrients and their effects:


Iron deficiency can occur when the soil has a high pH level combined with a humid environment.

This results in chlorosis and white patches on the leaves. To increase iron levels, use chelated iron fertilizers.


white spots on money tree

Excessive calcium levels in the soil can limit the function of other nutrients, causing leaf distortion and white/brown spots.

Limit water intake and avoid using gypsum-based fertilizers to address this issue.


Magnesium deficiency is common in soils that are easily leached. Symptoms include discoloration and defoliation.

Apply magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) to restore magnesium levels.


Copper deficiency occurs in soils with high pH levels. Symptoms include mild chlorosis on leaves or veins.

Apply copper-based fertilizers to increase copper levels.


white spots on money tree

Manganese deficiency occurs when the soil’s pH exceeds 6.5 or when your plant intakes too much iron.

Symptoms are similar to iron deficiency, including chlorosis and white spots.

Applying manganese sulfate fertilizer can balance nutrient requirements.

Septoria Leaf Spot

This fungal disease caused by Septoria thrives in humid environments.

It leads to visible white and yellow spots on both sides of the leaves.

To tackle this issue, remove infected areas and apply a copper-based fungicide.

White Rot

white spots on money tree

White rot is a disease caused by fungi infestation on the root system, resulting in root rot.

This leads to yellowish-white spots and defoliation.

Repotting your plant using a new clean pot mixture, washing the roots, and applying fungicide can help control this disease.

Mosaic Virus

White Mosaic virus causes alternate white and green spots on your Money Tree’s leaves.

Severely infected plants should be removed and disposed of immediately.

Repotting or propagation is recommended, along with disinfecting tools and the surrounding area.


white spots on money tree

Overexposure to sunlight, especially when the leaves are wet, can cause sunburn and white spots on your Money Tree’s leaves.

To prevent this, provide shade or blinds to minimize direct sunlight and water the plant through its soil.

How to Prevent White Spots on Your Money Tree?

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to maintaining the health of your Money Tree.

Here are some preventive measures to keep your plant free from white spots:

  • Thoroughly inspect the plant before purchase to ensure it shows no signs of disease.
  • Provide adequate sunlight without overexposure.
  • Water the plant at the soil level to prevent moisture buildup on the leaves.
  • Attend to your plant’s nutrient requirements.
  • If infestations occur, refer to the remedies discussed above and apply them promptly.
  • Maintain a clean environment, beneficial not only for your plants but also for your entire household.
white spots on money tree

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you notice white spots on your Money Tree’s leaves, identify the primary cause and take appropriate action.

With proper care and attention, your Money Tree will thrive, bringing beauty and positive energy to your home.

Remember, prevention and timely remedies are key to keeping your plant healthy and thriving.